George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.
If you are asking about the French and Indian war. He didn't win any and may have helped start the war. In the American Revolution he lost the first few but after Trenton he began to win and won the final battle ( with the help of the French) at Yorktown.
About three he has won one of them in Virgina and some in the Carolinas
To win battles and stuff
George Washington crossed the Delaware river and attacked the British at Trenton NJ, in order to have a victory and to show that he was still a fighting general, who could win a battle, and eventually win a revolution.
The Revolutionary war. The french and indian war
George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.
He actually only won 3 out of the 9 battles he fought.
King George did not take part in any battles himself.
When?? Britain has been involved in many battles.
if i not mistaken, i think you have to win 21 battles to battle palmer
You don't need to win them but in Kyokushin Karate you have to do 3 battles.
Against who ?
The amount of battles varies depending on how many wins and losses you have, you can do it in a day if you win most of the battles and play for ages, but it could take 3 months if you don't win many battles.
about 7988 of the major battles