If you are asking about the French and Indian war. He didn't win any and may have helped start the war. In the American Revolution he lost the first few but after Trenton he began to win and won the final battle ( with the help of the French) at Yorktown.
battle of: jumonville glen,Boston,harlem, trenton, assunpink creek, princeton and yorktown
George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.
new york
Yes, a crapload.
The Battles of Trenton and Princeton were important because they were two of the first battles won by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. George Washington was later appointed by the first Congress of the United States to the Presidency.
He was the first president. He helped win the revolutionary war.
He actually only won 3 out of the 9 battles he fought.
King George did not take part in any battles himself.
Revolutionary War and French and Indian War
George Washington won the Battles of Trenton and Princeton.
George Washington
George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.
George Washington Carver did not win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Battle Of Yorktown
George Washington won freedom in war in 1812