You're thinking of the 10 Commandments from the Bible. The US Constitution doesn't say anything about killing people, although federal and state laws do.
a large cultural and historical display
How many reason are giving for the constitution
How many words are in article 3 of the constitution
C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.
There are no "commandments" in the constitution , but amendments. The first 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights.
613 commandments.
Ten commandments
There are traditionally ten commandments of God in the Bible. These commandments outline moral and ethical guidelines for living a righteous life.
there are eight commandments in observing guidelines for borrowing.
The Torah did have, and still has, 613 commandments, according to Jewish tradition.
The Ten Commandments
I am sure many, many millions of people have 'broken' all ten commandments. Particularly since the majority of people that do not recognise them as commandments.
You're thinking of the 10 Commandments from the Bible. The US Constitution doesn't say anything about killing people, although federal and state laws do.
a large cultural and historical display
Depends who you are asking, but many would say the 10 commandments.