The number of delegates needed to nominate by the democrats is 2,025 .
When vice-president Gerald Ford became president due to the resignation of President Nixon, Ford, acting in accordance to the procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice-presidency, nominated Rockefeller for the position and Congress confirmed the appointment.
How many delegates to what? Please restate your question.
fiftyfive delegates were at the constitutional convention
2025 delegates are needed to win the democratic nomination. However, mre than 40% of the needed delegate are so-called "super delegates". This means they are free to pledge their votes to whomever they please, and don't have to vote for the winner of the given caucus or primary. This "safety valve" was implemented to prevent candidates from fundamentally changing the system.
As a noun: Many delegates were at the conference. As a verb: He always delegates the tasks to the people that are best able to do them.
Two Anglo-Indians can be nominated by the President of India to Lok Sabha.
1144 delegates are needed to win the 2012 Republican nomination.
Many Southern delegates did not participate in the eventual choice of Douglas. Others walked out of the second meeting in Baltimore.The first meeting of the national convention of the Democratic Party was held in Charleston, South Carolina in April, 1860, but 50 Southern delegates would not participate because a pro-slavery platform was voted down. This led to a deadlock among the remaining delegates, because Stephen Douglas could not get a 2/3 majority of all registered delegates.The convention adjourned and reconvened in Baltimore two months later, where new delegates were seated, prompting many of the remaining Southern delegations to also withdraw. With Douglas the choice of 99% of those voting, the 2/3 rule was suspended and he was declared the nominee.Southern Democrats met separately and nominated their own candidate, sitting Vice President John Breckenridge.
A presidential candidate needs at least 270 electoral votes to be nominated.
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The Great Compromise of 1787 was an agreement by which the members of Congress agreed how many delegates would be needed to fill the Congressional seats. This was necessary to determine how many delegates could be from each state.