The Constitution of the United States says that 2/3 of the Congressmen need to be present to do business. That means that 67 Senators and 291 House of Representatives need to be present during sessions.
Congress must have a 'quorum'. That means that at least half of the members must be present. That would be 50 in the Senate and 219 in the House.
The full membership of the United States Congress considers a bill after it has been examined by a member or committee of Congress. Members of Congress present bills they support to the entire Congress for discussion and approval.
Typically a quorum is more than half of the members. By-laws often state that a quorum must be present to legally conduct business or hold a meeting. Most often a quorum will be a majority, anything over 50%, however, the organization by-laws may state some other percentage to be a quorum.
article I
Congress must have a 'quorum'. That means that at least half of the members must be present. That would be 50 in the Senate and 219 in the House.
In the United States Congress, there must be a minimum number of members on the floor to conduct bussiness. This number is reffered to as a quorum. The U.S. Congress has set it's quorum at a simple majority, more than one half. So, for instance, in the Senate (which has 100 members) 51 members must be present, while in the House of Representatives, (which has 435 members) 218 members must be on the floor.
It is called a Quorum It isn't only not making laws, if the minimum number of members is not present, congress cannot even talk about passing a bill. (Most history books call this "doing business")
Each house must have at least 2/3 present.
majority leader
The Constitution requires that at least one half of the members of Congress be present in order to vote on a bill. Without that amount, a vote cannot be held.