Virginia, United States
Motient, Terrestar Networks, Tim Goeglein, Bob Johnson, Deputy Assistant To The President...
Alabama, United States
Vp, Vice President, Finance And Treasurer, Vp Business Development, U.s, Previously Served As Vice President...
California, United States
Los Angeles, Vice President, Advertising, Named, Previously Served As Vice President...
California, United States
Peak International, Peak International Limited, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer...
Detroit, Office, Previously Served As Vice President,, Races, Madison...
Vice President, Senior Vice, Latin American Export Bank, Nbsp, Profile
Adamo, Sports, Plant, President And Chief Executive Officer, Tampa, Chief Executive Officer In September...
Virginia, United States
Deutsche Bank, Gerald, Xtf, Independent Research Consultant, Etf, Deutsche Bank Securities...
Vice President, Greater China, Skin, Sales, Skin Enterprises, Global Sales Development...
Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Georgia Pacific, Executive Vice President...
Qcwa, John, Jack, Wine, Books, Arts Florissants, Association Of Occupational Health Nurses...
Clemson, Art, Clemson University, General Counsel, Audio Digest, Medicolegal Issues...
Columbia Hospitality, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President, Seattle, Hotel, Shelby...
Eds, Chief Executive Officer, Diretor Geral, President And Chief, Important Hispanics...
Vice President Of Customer Operations, Management, Press Release, Previously Served As Vice President...
Eningen, Hochzeit, Geburt, Hundred Years, Philadelphia Corporation For Investment Services...
Person Profile, Chicago, Harold, Chicago Sun Times, Cure Chicago 5k, Newsmeat Campaign Contributors To Kerrey...
Vice President, Clinical Development And Medical Affairs, Officer, M.d., Eric Stefanich...
Law, Law School, Emory, Law Schools, Washington, David, Professor, Faculty, Leiter's Law School Reports...
Obalt Developers, Knowledge Base, David Miller, Friday 30 March, Patrick Shanahan...
Arminia Ochtrup, Tb Burgsteinfurt, Corporate Banking, Vice President, Marie, Eddie...
Marketing, Vice President, Los Angeles, Vp Marketing, Carol White, Book_author...
Nj, Masonry & Stonework, Epsilon, Rootsweb, Njbergen, Bergen County Nj Queries, Business People...
Coast, Leonard's Society, Youth Worker, Kimberly Matheson, Office Assistant, Business People...
Eastern Region, Senior Vice President, Syndie Insider, York Ny, Buena Vista Television...
Tamalpais Bank, Vice President, Mortgage Loan Refinance Specialist, Personal Banker...
Lynn Sewell, Doug Carlson, Aiken, Sunrise Rotary Officers And Directors, Simeon Van Winkle...
Open Houses, Family Practice,, Mondovi, Create Alert, Area
Novato, Junior Member, Oglethorpe Power, Vice President, John, Senior Vice, Vp, Agent...
Darth Vader, Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Cullman, Jeff Clayton, Bryan Mahoney...
Blue Shield Of Florida, Blue Shield Of Florida Appoints, King Vice President, Vice President Of Corporate Communications...
Anika Therapeutics, Vice President Of Research, Research And Development, Ph.d....
Synernet, Ceo, Health Care, Portland, Higpa, Hospital, Maine, Health Industry Group Purchasing Association...
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There were a total of 14. Nine replaced Presidents who died or resigned and five were elected president after they finished their term as vice-president. Former vice-presidents who took office because of the death of the President were Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, Coolidge,Truman, and Lyndon Johnson and Ford became president because Nixon resigned.
John Adams, Jefferson, Van Buren, Nixon and George H. W. Bush completed their terms as Vice president and later were elected President.
Fourteen of 46 Vice Presidents went on to become President. (That is, of the 43 different men to serve as President --noting that Cleveland is counted as both 22nd and 24th President-- 14 of them were VP beforehand.) John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler* %
Millard Fillmore* %
Andrew Johnson* %
Chester Alan Arthur* %
Theodore Roosevelt*
Calvin Coolidge*
Harry S Truman*
Richard M. Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson*
Gerald R. Ford* %
George H.W. Bush
* these nine became President by the death or resignation (only with Ford, Nixon resigning) of the sitting President % of the preceding group, these five did NOT go on to be elected President in their own right (Note that only FIVE ever ascended to the office simply be being elected President, and the first two of these [Adams, Jefferson] did so before the current system of selecting Presidents was adopted. In other words, unless the President dies, the Vice Presidency has NOT proved a very successful 'stepping stone' to the Presidency.)
Fourteen is the total number.
9 vice-presidents succeeded to the presidency because of the death or resignation of the President. Four others were elected President while they were the incumbent Vice President. One was elected President after his term as Vice President expired.
John Tyler was elected Vice President in 1840. He replaced William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia in 1841. He did not run for president.
Millard Fillmore was elected Vice President in 1848. He replaced Zachary Taylor, who died in 1850 from illness. He failed to win the 1852 Whig Party presidential nomination. As the Know Nothing Party nominee in 1856 he received only eight electoral votes.
Andrew Johnson was elected Vice President in 1864. He replaced Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated in 1865. He failed to win a presidential nomination in 1868.
Chester A. Arthur was elected Vice President in 1880. He replaced James A. Garfield, who was assassinated in 1881. He did not actively campaign for the 1884 Republican Party presidential nomination due to his failing health.
Theodore Roosevelt was elected Vice President in 1900. He replaced William McKinley, who was assassinated in 1901. He won the 1904 presidential election. He did not run in 1908 and was defeated in 1912.
Calvin Coolidge was elected Vice President in 1920. He replaced Warren G. Harding, who died of a heart attack in 1923. He won the 1924 presidential election. He chose not to run for reelection in 1928, but he sought the Republican Party presidential nomination in 1932. Incumbent President Herbert Hoover got the nomination with the votes of 98% of the convention delegates.
Harry S. Truman was elected Vice President in 1944. He replaced Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1945. He won the 1948 presidential election but did not seek reelection in 1952.
Lyndon B. Johnson was elected Vice President in 1960. He replaced John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963. He won the 1964 presidential election and was campaigning for the 1968 nomination, but he withdrew from the race at the end of March of that year, shortly after the New Hampshire primaries.
Gerald R. Ford was nominated to replace Vice President Spiro Agnew, who resigned in October of 1973 as part of a plea bargain in a tax evasion case. Congress confirmed Ford's nomination in December of 1973. He replaced Richard Nixon, who resigned in 1974. He lost the 1976 presidential election to Jimmy Carter.
Four others ran for and were elected president while serving their full term(s) as vice-president; a fifth was elected president several years after the end of his vice presidency:
John Adams - 1st Vice President (under George Washington) & 2nd President - elected V.P. in 1789 & 1792; elected President in 1796; lost election of 1800 to Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson - 2nd Vice President (under John Adams) & 3rd President - elected V.P. in 1796; elected President in 1800 & 1804
Martin Van Buren - 8th Vice President (under Andrew Jackson) & 8th President - elected V.P. in 1832; elected President in 1836; lost election of 1840 to William Henry Harrison; lost election of 1848 to Zachary Taylor
Richard M. Nixon - 36th Vice President (under Dwight D. Eisenhower) & 37th President - elected V.P. in 1952 & 1956; lost election of 1960 to John F. Kennedy; elected President in 1968 & 1972
George H.W. Bush - 43rd Vice President (under Ronald Reagan) & 41st President - elected V.P. in 1980 & 1984; elected President in 1988; lost election of 1992 to Bill Clinton
(Four other vice presidents were major party nominees for president but failed to win. John C. Breckinridge, who was elected V.P. in 1856, lost the 1860 presidential election to Abraham Lincoln. Hubert Humphrey, who was elected V.P. in 1964, lost the 1968 presidential election to Richard Nixon. Walter Mondale, who was elected V.P. in 1976, lost the 1984 presidential election to Ronald Reagan. Al Gore, who was elected V.P. in 1992 & 1996, lost the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush.)
Through Joseph Biden (January 20, 2009), there have been 47 men who served as Vice President of the US, all but two of them elected to the position. The first 3 Vice Presidents were actually "runners-up" for President, until the 12th Amendment was ratified in 1804.Two Vice Presidents, George Clinton and John C. Calhoun, served under 2 presidents, but several Presidents had more than 1 Vice President. Four Vice Presidents who succeeded to the office had no Vice President of their own (Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, and Arthur).Both Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockfeller were appointed under the terms of the 25th Amendment.
In USA executive ranks, a Group Vice President is at the same level as an Executive Vice President. A Group Vice President ranks above a Senior Vice President and a Vice President, and will typically have multiple Senior Vice Presidents and/or Vice Presidents reporting to them.
Richard Nixon was the only vice president to become president that did not succeed the president he served under.
The Vice President of the United States.
Abraham Lincoln had a two vice presidents. For his first term, his running mate was Hannibal Hamlin, the first Republican Party vice president. He had served as governor of Maine as well as in the Senate and House of Representatives. His second vice president, who became president after his assassination was Andrew Johnson. Johnson was a Democrat running with Lincoln on the National Union ticket.
14 presidents served as vice president before becoming president
George H. W.Bush is the most recent president to have previously served as Vice-president.
14 - nine were vice-presidents that became president when the president died or resigned, and five served out their full terms as elected vice-president, then ran for president and won.
Richard M. Nixon
Two vice presidents from Minnesota are Hubert H. Humphrey, who served as vice president under President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1965 to 1969, and Walter Mondale, who served as vice president under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981.
During Thomas Jefferson's first term, the Vice President was Aaron Burr. Jefferson's second term as President was George Clinton's first term as Vice President (Clinton was one of the two U.S. Vice Presidents who served under two Presidents).
Jerald Ford
Certainly! There are many Vice-Presidents that have served as President, both because of the death of a president and because they were elected.
As of 2009, Joseph Biden is the 47th US Vice President. Some Presidents have had more than one Vice President, , two vice presidents have served under more than one president (George Clinton and John C. Calhoun) and four (Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, and Arthur) had no Vice President during their successions.
The presidents were Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was succeded by vice president Harry Truman