No ex-president has later become a Secretary of State- six have moved up from Secretary of State to president, however.
I count six -- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, VanBuren and Buchanan were Secretaries of State before being elected president.
Presidents have to do something so bad that no one will regret it. Presidents have to do something so bad that no one will regret it.
The first five presidents of the United States were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. Of these, John Adams was the only president who was not from Virginia. Adams was from Massachusetts and served as the second president of the United States from 1797 to 1801.
As of the beginning of 2012, 38 people have been elected President of the United States. Another 4 people were elected Vice-President and, upon the death of the President, assumed the Presidency, but were never elected President. One person, Gerald Ford, was nominated by President Nixon and confirmed by Congress to replace Vice-President Agnew after Agnew's resignation, then assumed the Presidency a few months later when President Nixon resigned. Ford was never elected President OR Vice-President. Including Barack Obama, a total of 43 people have served as U.S. President. The reason why President Obama is referred to as the 44th President is that President Cleveland is counted twice due to his terms as President being non-consecutive.
To oversee the operation of executive departments.
I count six -- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, VanBuren and Buchanan were Secretaries of State before being elected president.
Some one alreay asksed.13 out of the first 42.
of course! recent presidents who served 2 tems were George W Bush and Bill Clinton
Herbert Hoover was the U.S. Commerce Secretary under Presidents Harding and Coolidge.
No vice president has appeared on a U.S. coin simply for having served in that position. If you're counting those presidents who served as VP before being elected president, only one - Jefferson, on the nickel.
The President of Pakistan is the person who is the head of state, but they are subject to the court of the country. The president can also dismiss the prime minister by dissolving the national assembly. There have been eleven presidents of Pakistan, the last being Mammon Hussain.
President John Adams appointed former Secretary of State John Marshall as Chief Justice of the United States in 1801. He served until his death in 1835, more than 34 years later.
The same as the presidents.
Donald Rumsfeld is most famous for being an American politician and businessman. Rumsfeld served as the Secretary of State under president Gerald Ford.
Simply put yes, but no president has ever become a senator after being president Simply put yes, but no president has ever become a senator after being president
Many presidents were lawyers perviously.