Presidents have to do something so bad that no one will regret it. Presidents have to do something so bad that no one will regret it.
Lyndon Johnson, who ascended to the Presidency after the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963, was sworn in aboard Air Force One by federal judge Sarah T. Hughes. Unable to locate a Bible for the impromptu ceremony, Johnson placed his left hand on a Roman Catholic missal (a book of instruction for celebrating Mass) while reciting the Oath of Office.
you had to work for a long time and closer for you to being free the owners will be harsher on you for example if you were 2 seconds late they would say that since you are late you have to work another 6 months
That would be John F. Kennedy. He was sworn in/elected when he was 35 years old, the minimum age for the Presidency. -- Roadkill i believe it was clevlend steamer
We don't have inaugurations due to a presidents death, the vice president is merely sworn in, but it isn't a huge ceremonial type thing. So I guess I would say 0.
There is no chief executive of the United States Constitution. If you are asking who is supposed to uphold the Constitution and make sure it is followed, that would be the President of the U.S. and the Congress (Senate and House of Representatives). I believe they all take oaths when they are sworn in to uphold it.
How are you posing this questions. Do you mean, what is being sworn off sex? Celibacy. Are you asking, what is it like to be sworn off sex? That would depend on how must self control you have. Also on if you believe in masturbation. Are you asking everyone personally if they are sworn off? I am not, many how ever are.
It depends on whether the cause for this is temporary or not and on whether or not the Electoral College has already met and formally appointed her in its December meeting. If a President-elect for instance passes away after being formally appointed by the Electoral College in December but before being sworn in in January, the Vice-President will be sworn in as President.In case of a permanent incapacity before the December meeting but after the election, things become complicated, all the more so since State Electors from some States sometimes are only authorized to vote for the incapacitated candidate him-/herself and not for any substitute. Also, there is no legal precedent here; President-elects so far only died (if they did) after being sworn in.In all probability, the Speakers of the Houses of Congress would then temporarily assume the tasks of the Presidency while things were being sorted out.
No, that would be unconstitutional.
Yes you would get sworn in for your second term.
No, that would be unconstitutional.The constitution itself does not handle such an instance which would be very unlikely to happen.
If you wish to, or are required to give testimony, yes, you will be sworn to tell the truth. If you can demonstrate you cannot morally swear, there is a mechanism called 'affirmation', but it is extremely rare.
"I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from its boneless gums and dashed the brains out had I so sworn as you have done to this." Actually what she means is that she would murder her infant if she had sworn to do it.
It is more likely that things are being stolen by somebody alive - what would a ghost want with things.
I think so- for his second term, January 20 was on Sunday, so the official inauguration was held the next day but he would have been sworn in on the 20th.
Vice President Joe Biden would immediately be sworn in as President of the US.
The vice president would be sworn in as the new president. The new president would nominate someone to be the next vice president, and the nominee would be sworn in after a confirmation majority vote by both houses of Congress.
Have NEVER heard of this situation - ESPECIALLY connected with the military. The military is absolutely anal about record keeping. I SERIOUSLY doubt that just your sworn statement would suffice. You would need the sworn testimonies of just anybody and everybody that would ever have come in contact with you during the missing periods involved.