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The US Supreme Court seats nine justices. The courtroom can accommodate approximately 300 spectators, total.

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Q: How many seats are in the US Supreme Court?
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How many subordinate judges are there at present on the US Supreme Court?

The US Supreme Court seats eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice.

How many Supreme Court justices preside over the Supreme Court?

The US Supreme Court seats only one Chief Justice at a time; the other eight are Associate Justices.The current Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., is only the seventeenth to serve on the US Supreme Court.

Does the US Supreme Court have one Chief Justice and eight judges?

Close. The US Supreme Court seats one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. All US Supreme Court judges are referred to as "justices."

Is the US Supreme Court the largest court in the world?

No. The US Supreme Court is relatively small compared to some international courts. The World Court (UN International Court) and Supreme Court of the Philippines each have fifteen justices; the Supreme Court of India currently seats 29 justices; and the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China has more than 340 judges.

What is the highest court in the US?

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the US. Each state has its own Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court is the end of the line.

How many judges consist of supreme court?

There are many different supreme courts - one of the US and one for each of the States. They have different numbers of judges, depending on the Constitution of each state. There are eight judges on the US Supreme Court (Nine seats for judges).

How many court systems are beneath supreme court?

In the US, the entire federal judicial system is under the US Supreme Court. Each state and territory has an independent court system. Those systems are independent of the US Supreme Court, but are required to follow the Supreme Court.

How many chief justices do we have now?

The US Supreme Court seats only one Chief Justice at a time; the other eight are Associate Justices.The current Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., is only the seventeenth to serve on the US Supreme Court.

How many branches are in the US Supreme Court?

None. The US Supreme Court is head of the Judicial Branch of government; it does not have branches of its own. If you're asking how many Circuits (US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts) are below the Supreme Court, the answer is thirteen.

How many justices on the Supreme Court.?

This depends on which supreme court. Reask your question specifying the state/country, or see related questions. US Supreme Court: There are 9 Justices on the US Supreme Court.

How many levels are in the federal court system?

Three:Trial level (primarily US District Courts)Appellate level (US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts)Supreme Court (US Supreme Court)

How does the US Supreme Court rule to change the number of seats in the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court doesn't have the authority to change the size of the Court; the constitutional authority for making structural changes to the federal judiciary is vested in Congress. This is one of the checks on the Judicial branch of the US government. For more information, see Related Questions, below.