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Nine of the 13 colonies set up state churches in order to maintain order in a society lacking an established church an attachment to place, and the uncontested leadership of men of merit.

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Connecticut (Congregational), Georgia (Episcopal), Maryland (Episcopal), Massachusetts (Congregational), New Hampshire (Congregational), New York (Episcopal--only effectively established in four counties), North Carolina (Episcopal), South Carolina (Episcopal), Virginia (Episcopal)

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Q: How many state churches were in the thirteen colonies?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What was the first thirteen colonies that signed the constitution?

The first of the Thirteen colonies to sign the constitution was the state of Deleware, the first state to be admitted into the Union. Many people critisize this because the first colony to be founded was Virginia by the British, but in terms of the US history, Delaware was the first state to rattify and sign the constituion. Hense its nickname "the first state"

How many colonies had to agree with the Declaration of Independence?

By mutual consent all thirteen had to vote in favor of independence. That's why the formal document (the "Declaration of Independence") specifically points out that this is a unanimous declaration.(This does not mean every single individual in Congress, but that each colony's/state's delegation would vote, and a majority of "no's" in any delegation would defeat the measure.)

How many states are represented in the signature area of the declaration?

All thirteen original colonies/states are represented.

How many states have school superintendents elected?

A total of Thirteen states elect their school superintendents. However, state of Wyoming has recently curtailed the powers of school superintendent through legislation.

What did the founding father for the united state do?

There were 55 men who are considered "founding fathers " and a majority were lawyers. Many were wealthy planters who had plantations and business men. They were the upper class of the colonies and the wealthiest men in the colonies. 90% of the colonies were farmers so this group of men were all ready the leaders in their home areas.

Related questions

How many colonies were not represented in the Second Continental Congress?

thirteen colonies

What did the Thirteen colonies protest on?

The thirteen colonies protested many things. They did not like any of the laws or taxes that Britain imposed on them.

how many origanal colonies are there?


How many colonies were established in north America by 1760?

All thirteen colonies

How many originals US colonies are they?

Thirteen (13).

How many taxes where put on the thirteen colonies?


How many colonies were made when the colonists moved to America?

13... the thirteen original colonies

What was the first thirteen colonies that signed the constitution?

The first of the Thirteen colonies to sign the constitution was the state of Deleware, the first state to be admitted into the Union. Many people critisize this because the first colony to be founded was Virginia by the British, but in terms of the US history, Delaware was the first state to rattify and sign the constituion. Hense its nickname "the first state"

How many colonies rebelled against Britain 1776?


What led to the rise of many churches in the colonies?

God botherers.

How many states when country began?

When the U.S. was first formed, the thirteen colonies became the thirteen original states.

Why was the thirteen founded?

The Thirteen Colonies were originally settlements founded for different reasons such as to practice religion freely, earn money from Natural Resources, as well as have a completely different lifestyle. Over many years settlements turned into colonies and thus the Thirteen Colonies were formed.