This would take a simple majority in both Houses of Congress. 218 votes in the House and 51 votes in the Senate if all seats are filled and everybody votes. The VP could break a tie-vote in the Senate.
If you consider Obama's home state Hawaii, Hawaii has 3 electoral votes.If you count Obama's home state Illinois, Illinois has 20 electoral votes.Barack Obama is now living in Washington D.C., which has 3 electoral votes.
a quorum ( one over half votes )
Congress can override a presidential veto
They have not had the votes necessary to achieve this from their fellow members.
A bill, such as the cap and trade carbon bill, has to go through the House and Senate, before ending up on the Governors/Presidents desk, where he can sign it into law or veto it. The House and Senate can overturn a presidents veto with enough votes.
John McCain won 0 electoral votes in Illinois, losing Illinois 21 electoral votes to Obama whom received 3,419,673 votes to McCain's 2,031,527 votes.
Donald Trump received 2,146,015 votes to Hillary Clinton's 3,090,729 votes, losing Illinois's 20 electoral votes.
Obama won the State of Illinois and all 21 of it Electoral votes. in 2008.
No. Illinois has been reduced to 20 electoral votes as of the 2010 census.
Illinois was allowed to cast 21 electoral votes in 2008.
John McCain received 2,031,527 votes, losing to Barack Obama's 3,419,673 votes. Obama received all 21 of Illinois' electoral votes.
Illinois has 21 electoral votes in 2004. These went to John Kerry (D).
Laws from Congress come from the votes of Representatives (On behalf of the People) and from the votes of the Senate (On behalf of the States).
Illinois' 20 electoral votes are cast based on the popular vote in the whole state.
Congressional leaders believe they have the votes necessary to override a veto