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a quorum ( one over half votes )

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A quorum (which is one over half votes)

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Q: What must congress have in order to do business?
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In order to do business Congress must have a majority of its members present This is called a?


What was one of the first order of business for the original Congress in 1789?

The first order of business for the 1789 Congress was to elect the first Speaker of the House. Frederick Muhlenberg, a Lutheran pastor from Pennsylvania, was chosen.

How many members of Congress must be present to conduct business?

The Constitution of the United States says that 2/3 of the Congressmen need to be present to do business. That means that 67 Senators and 291 House of Representatives need to be present during sessions.

What proportion for both houses of congress must vote in favor of a bill in order to override a president's veto?

2/3rds of congress must vote to override

What was one of the firsts orders of business for the original congress in 1789?

The first order of business for the 1789 Congress was to elect the first Speaker of the House. Frederick Muhlenberg, a Lutheran pastor from Pennsylvania, was chosen.

What proportion of both house of congress must vote in favor of bill in order to order to override a president's veto?

all of them.

What is required if one of the houses of Congress wants to conduct business in a location other than the capitol building?

A resolution passed by both houses of Congress is required for conducting business in a location other than the capitol building. This resolution must outline the details of the alternative location, duration of the session, and any necessary logistical arrangements.

What was President Woodrow Wilson's first order of business after his inauguration?

Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States. His first order of business after his inauguration was to revise the tariffs and he went in front of Congress and spoke about it.

Can you be a business teacher with a degree in business?

Yes you can but in order to become a certified teacher you must complete a business education program that allows you to teach

Who must first introduce a bill for it to be considered by congress?

A bill must be introduced in the congress by the members of the congress.

What must congress keep in order to have a record of proceedings including how Senators and Representatives voted on bills?

Toilet paper

They said media is a business. Why media is a business?

Media is a business because in order to print or show media, advertisement is sold. This means that money must exchange hands in order to keep media up and running, making it a business.