Companies could charge as much as they liked.
There is not a charge in order to visit Independence Hall. You can pick up the tickets free of charge at the visitor's center.
Companies could charge as much as they liked.
In 1938 there were no curling irons that were electric. They won’t come out until the 1970’s.
Blasts of cold air were blow through heated iron to remove impurities. The result was much stronger more workable than steel.
Not much. It's not hard to do and it doesn't cost you anything to use an iron.
How much should a t-shirt really cost?
I should charge 5%
uhh. how much did he charge you when you were growin' up?
If they are very good friend of you, you should not charge. Otherwise charge according to how much you work.
The exact price will depend upon the person doing the airbrushing. Most places will charge around $30 including the tee shirt.
they should charge just enough but not too much
12.5 for women, I'm not sure about how much the iron count for men should be.
you should charge 3.00 dollars or 1.00 dollars
however much you want to charge
The rate you should charge depends on how long it takes to get all of the trees planted. You can multiply how much you expect to make per hour by how long it takes to get an estimate of how much you should charge for the job.