William Henry Harrison was born on February 9, 1773, meaning that, as of February 2010, he would be 237 years old.
James Carter is still alive fbhj
No. Francis died at age four on November 21, 1736. Sarah died on October 5, 1808 at age 65. William died on November 17, 1813 at age 81 or 82 (exact birthdate unknown).No, Ben Franklin's children would be over 200 years old, if they were still alive.
he is still alive
Yes, all presidents except those still living are depicted on Presidential Dollar coins. The Wm Henry Harrison coin was issued in 2009.
Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of President William Henry Harrison. Benjamin had made a lifelong effort to succeed on his own without cashing in on the family name, but his supporters still used the slogan in his campaign.
Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron is still alive.
William Henry is still a artist
No, Harrison Ford is still alive today.
Anna Harrison was still at home in Ohio, when her husband , William Henry, died in office.
Yes , Henry Winkler is still alive .
William Henry "Bill" Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He is still alive as of February 22, 2010.
Henry Samson is apparently still alive (born 1934) and turns 80 in 2014.
Yes, Venus Williams is still alive.
yes Bob Hudson is still alive!!!!!!!!