About as rare as a $50 or $100. You don't see them often, but any bank will happily sell you one at face value.
No matter how old a 2 dollar bill is, the sad truth is that it is STILL worth 2 dollars.. They are uncommon, but aren't really RARE...
Simply, Jefferson is on the 2 dollar bill. Its a cool bill isnt it?
The back of the two dollar bill depicts the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The value of a 1996 2 Dollar Bill is approximately $2. Their low value is due to the large number produced and wide availability.
There are over 1.3 billion $2 bill printed but people seem to think it is rare but is not, you can get them in the bank
No matter how old a 2 dollar bill is, the sad truth is that it is STILL worth 2 dollars.. They are uncommon, but aren't really RARE...
Since this bill is not rare and is circulated it is worth face value.
5 Dollar Bills Are Very Common. They are still being printed, for as far as I know, 2 dollar bills are rare but still worth the same value.
a 1932 $5 bill
No. Thomas Jefferson's picture has been on every $2 bill printed since since 1928.
A 2 dollar bill with a star symbol on it will typically have a higher value to collectors than a regular 2 dollar bill. The value can vary depending on the condition of the bill and the demand from collectors, but it can be worth more than face value.
None. They are nothing more than a regular 2 dollar bill that has been altered. And 2 dollar bills are not rare you can go to any bank and purchase them for, get this, 2 dollars.
No. This is a common date and series.
The series 1995 $2 bill is rare compared to the number of other denominations printed that year, but it's not worth anything above face value.
Simply, Jefferson is on the 2 dollar bill. Its a cool bill isnt it?
A dollar. They're not rare.