The value of a 1996 2 Dollar Bill is approximately $2. Their low value is due to the large number produced and wide availability.
february 18, 1996
Simply, Jefferson is on the 2 dollar bill. Its a cool bill isnt it?
The back of the two dollar bill depicts the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
No matter how old a 2 dollar bill is, the sad truth is that it is STILL worth 2 dollars.. They are uncommon, but aren't really RARE...
About as rare as a $50 or $100. You don't see them often, but any bank will happily sell you one at face value.
20.00 dollar bill 2 face
In 1996 the $2 dollar bill was discontinued and reintroduced in 2006 but are not really seen in circulation.
The value of a 1953 gold 2 dollar bill will vary. The value will be determined by the condition of the bill and by the current supply and demand for it.
The US didn't print any $2 bills dated 1996. Please check again and post a new question.
2 dollars
That depends on the year the bill was made in and the condition it is in.
2 dollars
What is the value of a red inked two dollar bill
It's worth $2
2 loonies