it was horrible for the peasants, they were all treated like slaves, it is scary because now that the people that we all live with are not like peasants, because BLACK and WHITE were seperated.
Before feudalism Europe was a continent ravaged by the migrating Eastern tribes. It had no types of government except for a Rome to weak to control its own walls.
Feudalism is a political system in which land is given for military.
Feudalism was dominant form in medieval Europe. was a set of legal and military customs. Everyone needed protection. Individual people had some strength. They needed the wherewithal to build fortresses and protect each other.
Feudalism started in China during the Shang dynasty. Feudalism lasted until the end of the Qin/Chin dynasty.
The Catholic Church and the Latin language helped united western Europe after the Roman Empire collapsed.
a democratic republic consists of representitives ˆn office rather than families taking over as in feudalism.
Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.
Feudalism is a term used for a set of political and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. In the present day, and it has been so for many centuries, Europe does not have feudalism.
-in europe
Answering "Do you think the western Europe model of feudalism is applicable to India?"
Charlemagne did not bring feudalism to Europe. He did bring a series of changes that improved feudal society at this time.
A. Power was based on class relationships
A. Power was based on class relationships
Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.
it was based on feudalism... there is a feudalism pyramid if you go on google images and type in feudalism pyramid
The political structure of medieval Europe is Feudalism.