It spelled the end of many economic opportunities for both groups.
African Americans should use economic and political power to gain equality. -NovaNET
African American politicians had varied economic pasts.
What did the king offer to the African Americans in the American revolution
What the newly freed African Americans needed to do what after the war
It increased economic opportunities for many African Americans.
african amerincans had better economic opportunities
that the African Americans hoped to escape discrimination and find better education and economic opportunities.
Women gained jobs, but African Americans lost them.
that the African Americans hoped to escape discrimination and find better education and economic opportunities.
Booker T. Washington
During the civil rights movement, the median income of African American men and women increased, although the progress was gradual. Legal protections and expanded educational opportunities helped to narrow the income gap between African Americans and white Americans. However, significant disparities still persisted, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by African Americans in achieving economic equality.
war work..............
u got to live
what social, economic, and material gains did African Americans make after the civil right ear
African Americans started their own businesses.