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Congress didn't exist yet in 1748. The First Continental Congress of the United States met for the first time in 1774 and were just representatives of the 13 colonies. The first elected congress, senate and President didn't happen until 1789.

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Q: How were members of congress chosen in 1748?
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The Members of congress are chosen by?

The houses of congress are elected by the people of their states.

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Who was chosen to The US Constitution convention?

The 55 men who attended were the members of Congress.

How was the first US president chosen?

i think is the members of tyhe continental congress of the united satate

How are the leaders of the two parties chosen?

Members vote at a party caucus before Congress organizes

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The speaker of the house gets chosen by a vote of the members of the house. The constitution does NOT require that the speaker be an elected member of congress.

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John Baptista Ashe - Continental Congress - was born in 1748.

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Members of the Senate are voted into office by voters in their respective states. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by voters in their district in their home state. They do not have to live in their district, but most do. Senators serve six-year terns, while representatives serve two-year terms.