~ The lesson I learned from reading "My Brooklyn Grandmother" from the Lost Garden is to accept and experience your culture. The author was taught cultural lessons by his grandmother and then proceeds to use them in his kitchen (making rice just like his grandmother) and in his normal, everyday life (by writing to his grandmother)
I'm sorry if you wanted it to be in an essay format. But I'm doing related homework and they wanted it in a paragraph. Though here is what I got I hope it is helpful 😊
it is a book that teaches math.
You study civics (in the U.S.) so you can learn how laws are made in this country. You learn how laws are enforced, how they are modified by court decisions, and how they are amended by later laws. You learn what happens when people break the law, both civil and criminal. You learn about your rights and duties as a citizen.
The attempts to develop a powerful government during the post-Revolutionary America was prevented by a revolutionary ideology. This ideology teaches suspicions and natural rights to all the authorities of the government.
Usually system of education is related to human existence on utilitarian value otherwise perishes.Philosophical education teaches one what life is and what knowledge is which is indirectly connected to usual education.
The primary function of Congress is to make and pass laws. It is also tasked with conducting certain investigations, and confirming presidential appointments.
she feeds me.she teaches me old traditions.
The Bonfire of the Vanities
40. She teaches ballroom dances in Brooklyn and Im one of her dancers!! <3 <3 <3
If a person's culture teaches that men should dominate women, you will see more domestic violence in that culture.
The study of the colonizing culture's literature teaches colonized people the cultural references from that nation.
teaches them a phrase that keeps the giants smoke above their eyes
Amy E. Hughes is an Assistant Professor at the Brooklyn College's Department of Theater. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in theater history, as well as graduate courses in critical theory, historiography, and research methods.
Answer this question… Because his culture teaches that there are 13 full moons in a year
A person who teaches is a teacher
You will need to find a college instructor that teaches Zoology. Hopefully, you are correct that it is animal and not human.