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If a tribune did not like a law he would "veto" it. The verb "veto" literally means "I forbid" or "I prohibit".

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he would rebel against the senate

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He could veto it before it was passed.

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Q: If a tribune did not like a law that was proposed what would he do?
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How could a tribune stop a law from passing?

When a tribune objected to a law, he would shout out Veto!! that means forbid in Latin. If they get enough Tribunes to object, they could stop the law from passing....

How coul a tribune stop a law from passing?

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A proposed law in Congress is called a bill.

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This would be a tax law. In the US any law regarding taxes at the Federal level must originate in the House of Representatives. Like all laws it must pass both the House and the Senate and be approved by the President.

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You did

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when the do it

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If a law if proposed it then has to be voted on. When the law is passed it is ratified.

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