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because their was shortage of food in 1917 so the poster was created to tell the public to cut down on the amount of food they buy and eat and ration instead which was optional in 1917

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Q: In 1917 why did the government issue a poster saying 'the kitchen is the key to victory eat less bread'?
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How did Omura compare the US government to Hitlers Nazi government?

Omura compared the US government to Hitlers Nazi government by saying that the Jews got angry when Hitler mistreated them, just as the Japanese citizens were getting angry for Americans unfair mistreatment.

What principle is reflected in the quotation from the Japanese Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty: The government gets its authority from the people and reflects their will. What does it say in the U.S Constitution? it says The preamble says, "We the people of the United States of America do ordain and establish this Constitution..." which indicates that government power comes from the people. In the Japanese Constitution it begins by saying that the government's comes from the people and shall be used by them for their own benefit.

How is consolidated government a threat to the original spirit of America according to Henry?

A consolidated government is not sensitive to any liberty being taken away from the people. There is a lack of energy from the people needed to maintain a healthy repulbic. Consolidated government goes against a republic: the federal government is taking away state power. Instead of saying "we the people", we should say "we the states" because the people should be represented in large bodies.

How is a consolidated government a threat to the original spirit of America according to Henry?

A consolidated government is not sensitive to any liberty being taken away from the people. There is a lack of energy from the people needed to maintain a healthy repulbic. Consolidated government goes against a republic: the federal government is taking away state power. Instead of saying "we the people", we should say "we the states" because the people should be represented in large bodies.

How can citizens be involved in the government?

The main way that people participate in government is by voting. Other ways to be active in government is by lobbying, petitioning, and participating in boycotts and protests.(I'm not saying that you should go out and protest, but if you feel strongly about an issue, it is within your power to do so, so long as it does not grow out of hand.)by voting or registering to vote and participating in parties, jury duty, or voting in elections.

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i.g.g.y. xxx23456ytui

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If there's a line on poster saying the richest poor country what countries you would think they are.?

Costa Rica for sure! Vatican probally

How do you make a poster for a Jonas brothers concert?

Well,,, You could make a sign saying "GOT JONAS?" Or "Im Paraniod Without You!!"

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It depends how ingenious you are for instance you could say... (if you are trying to brag) we pucked you up!...

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Can all kitchen utensils be put in the dishwasher?

No but most can there sould be something saying so when you buy it.

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