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to increase the u.s role in world affairs

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Q: In 1920 American voters elected a president who promised?
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In 1920 American voters elected a president who promised what?

To increase the u.s roles in world affairs

Why do we have a black president?

He was elected by the majority of American voters.

What does re-Elected mean?

An example is when the American President is re-elected by the American voters to serve another term as President.

Who was the first president to be elected with the help of woman voters?

President Warren Harding was the first American president to be elected with the support of female voters. The election was in 1920. Harding was the Republican representative in the presidential election for that term.

First president elected by a minority of the voters?


How are Egyptian president elected?

The Egyptian President's were passed down to the sons and daughters of the royal family.

How are the governor and the president elected different?

A state's governor is directly elected by its registered voters. The U. S. president (and vice president) is elected by a group of electors appointed by the states.

Who was the first only president to serve who was not elected by US voters either as president or vice president?

george washington

How are the governor and the president different?

A state's governor is directly elected by its registered voters. The U. S. president (and vice president) is elected by a group of electors appointed by the states.

The president of the US is indirectly elected by?

INdirectly by the voters; directly by the Electoral College.

How did Mandela become president?

He was released from prison and then elected by voters in a democratic process.

What is Presidential electors?

A person elected by the voters to represent them in making a formal selection of the Vice President and President.