your qus is really good i also think so gorgbet
they didnt want to change presidents in the middle of depression
The spatial extent of Middle America cannot be clearly defined. This is because there are too many factors involved aside from physical topography and geography. Since Middle America is spread between several states, you also have to take into account living conditions, education, commerce, and other vital factors that encompass and represent the region as a whole.
upper class, middle class, and middle class
Mostly the middle - East and a couple of people in erope and Chines government and North Korea. Most other countries like America.
Mayas still live in Middle America because, the had there cities claimed , and there religious temples.
America IS a country of it's own. It is made up of States,,,50 of them. "Middle America" is a term to describe the average American based on economics. The majority of Americans make up "middle America:.
the middle class
your qus is really good i also think so gorgbet
Depends.. In North of African, the majority are Muslims with a minority of Christians, Jews and some minor religions.. While in Middle and some of South of Africa, the majority are the Christians, but you can say most of Africans were/are Christians before they went to America.
There is North America, Central (or Middle) America, and South America. Central (Middle) America is associated with North America.
Silent Majority
Middle class.
Colombia is sometimes included in Middle America.
Simple. I live in Middle America.
"Meso" means middle. Mesoamerica is middle America, from southern Mexico to northern South america
Middle East