In the 2004 case Hamdi vs. Rumsfield the Supreme Court held that citizens accused of terrorist acts are entitled to constitutional protections. Hamdi, a US citizen was captured in Afghanistan and turned over to the US Military. He was classified as a enemy combatant.
Constitutional Law
all anti federalist and some federalist
Isn't that a constitutional Republic?
It allowed slavery where approved by the citizens of a state
Constitutional Law
Constitutional rights provide individual citizens with protections and liberties that cannot be easily taken away by the government. These rights allow citizens to express their opinions, practice their religion, bear arms, and enjoy other freedoms without fear of government interference. Constitutional rights also provide citizens with due process and equal protection under the law, ensuring fairness and justice in the legal system.
It doesn't really. There are some occassional elections for local office, but the Saudi Kingdom is an autocratic kingdom without constitutional protections for its subjects.
Adult citizens, born / naturalized.
civil liberities
The United States of America has what is called a constitutional republic it is a state where the head of state are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens. In a constitutional republic, executive, legislative, and judicial powers are separated into distinct branches and the will of the majority of the population is tempered by protections for individual rights so that no individual or group has absolute power.
Constitutional rights
Federal cases involving citizens of different states are called "diversity" cases if that is the claimed basis for Federal court jurisdiction.
Constitutional rights are your rights as a citizen.
Roman law conferred rights on Roman citizens and provided protections.
It requires equal protection under the law.
the KKK
the KKK