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General Election (NovaNet)

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Q: In a final election candidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?
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Why was Truman's election in 1946 called an upset?

Truman was not expected to win Truman's own party split over his candidacy Democrats had put up two candidates against him

Why do you have a primary election?

In a representative form of government, most nations have political parties. Thus, in a General election (that is, the election to chose the government representative), a political party puts forth a member of their party to contest in the election. A political party needs some method for choosing the party member to stand in the General election, and this is what we use Primary elections for.

Who won the 1852 election?

James Buchanan of the Democratic party was elected president at the United States Presidential Election of 1856. The other major candidates from the 1856 election included Millard Filmore of the Know-Nothing party and John C. Frémont of the Republican party.

What is politics of conflict?

That's the subject of an entire semester. In short, it is the practice of pitting opposing groups against each other. An example from the 2008 presidential election is Sarah Palin's frequent invocation of the term "real America", which idealized the perception of rural "values" vs. urban sin and corruption.

Why was the caucus replaced by the convention as a nominating device?

Background: The presidential election of 1828 has been called the 'rise of the common man' election. The election was also nicknamed the 'Revolution of 1828'. It was a revolution that was in response to the 'Corrupt Bargain' of 1824 election when Jackson lost his bid for presidency when no candidate got a majority of the electoral votes. Reason: Replacing Caucuses (held in private) with Conventions was more democratic. This was a response by the people as an upwelling of support arose against 'back room deals' and candidates chosen by caucus without enough public input. Significance: Andrew Jackson was the first president not born of privilege. The election was the first time that individuals began to fight against corruption in politics.

Related questions

The actual election where candidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?

final election

What does it mean when candidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?

General election.

Candidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?

----general election (novanet)----

Candidates of opposing parties run against each other for particular office?

The question describes the election process.

The actual election where canidates of opposing parties run against each other for a particular office?

final election {nova net}

In democracy decisions are made by a majority This means that the winner of the election is determined by what?

Getting more votes than the candidates standing against you in the election.

What is a partisan election system?

A partisan election system is a type of electoral system where political parties play a central role in the nomination and election of candidates. In this system, candidates are affiliated with specific political parties and their party affiliation is typically listed on the ballot. Voters often choose candidates based on their party affiliation and party platforms. This system contrasts with nonpartisan election systems where candidates do not run as representatives of political parties.

Who was the leader of the opposing party running against Obama in the election?

Mitt Romney. I sure and late results show him

Who ran as vice president against George Bush?

The opposing candidates for VP were Walter Mondale in 1980 and Geraldine Ferraro in 1984.

The two candidates for the Presidential election in 1808?

James Madison (Democratic-Republican, from Virginia) against Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist, from SC).

How are governors elected?

If you are referring to the Governor of a US state - - every four years the candidates announce their intention to run for election to the office. Their political parties assist them with their campaigns against any opposition candidates and they are elected by popular vote.

How do you spell opposing?

That is the correct spelling of the verb "oppose" (go against, or act against).