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Q: In colonial society men were the formal heads of the house holds and represented the family in the community true or false?
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What is the rule of the family in community?

family play an important role in a society . with out it there is no community . If our family issues are stopped , we can make our community good but every person of community should pay attention to other HAq

Why is family the basic unit of society?

The family is the basic unit of society because every individual must belong to a family. A number of families together form a community or a society.

Mesopotamian society was based on?

The amount of property owned or a family's standing in the community.

What type of society did Colonial America have patriarchy or matrilineal?

The English have a patriarchal society. The male lines inherit by the first born male in the family and family lines are traced through the males.

What is one advantage and one disadvantage of the family unit in Jonas community as compared to the family as we know it in our society.?

They die and they live

What is one advantage and one disadvantage of the family unit in Jonas community as compared to the family as we know in our society?

They die and they live

What is one advantage and one disadvantage of the family unit in jona's community as compared to the family as we know it in our society?

They die and they live

How much do you know about Africa value and tradition?

Africa is a community oriented society. They place a high value of family. They value collectivism over individualism. They will sacrifice their own wants and needs for the community.

Horney was the first person of stature in the psychoanalytic community to?

place the family and society in the center of neurotic developement

What is the synonyms of people?

society, public, persons, nation, masses, humans, community, family, crowd, citizens

What are synonyms of people?

Society, public, persons, nation, masses, humans, community, family, crowd and citizens.

What is a privatised family?

A privatised family is a concept that suggests the family has become increasingly self-reliant and individualistic, relying less on external support systems such as the government or community. This can have both positive and negative implications for family dynamics and relationships.