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Q: In order for a bill to become law do both houses must pass a bill in identical form?
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What passing a bill which situation calls for a compromise between the two houses?

A. If identical version of a bill are not passed in both houses, a compromise must be made.

What do committees do in the Congress?

Conference committees operate after the House and the Senate have passed different versions of a bill. Conference committees exist to negotiate a compromise bill that both houses can accept. Both houses of Congress must eventually pass the identical legislation for the bill to become law. (See U.S. Const., art I, sec. 7.) The two houses can reach that identical product through the process of amendments between Houses, where the House passes the Senate bill with a House amendment, or vice versa, but this process can be cumbersome. Thus most major bills become law through using a conference committee. (See Sen. Procedure, 449.)

Which part of the legeslative branch votes on bills?

Both houses of Congress vote on bills. The Senate and House must pass a bill in order for it to become a law.

Who can agree to a bill before it can become a law?

In the United States, when a bill that has been approved by both Houses of Congress, it is sent to the President. Thus a bill can become a law when the President signs it into law.

If the President has vetoed a bill the US Constitution provides that the bill will become a law when the bill is?

passed again by two-thirds of both houses of Congress

If both houses of congress wish to have a bill become law but each has changed the original the bill must go to?

A Conference Committee

How does a bill become a law in Louisiana?

There are various stages that a bill has to pass through before it becomes a law in Louisiana. It is debated in both houses and if it is approved, the president has to sign it for it to become a law.

Who must agree to a bill before it can become law?

In the United States, when a bill that has been approved by both Houses of Congress, it is sent to the President. Thus a bill can become a law when the President signs it into law.

Which statement best describes the role of conference committees in the federal legislative process?

They resolve differences between Senate and House versions of a bill.

What happens if the House and the senate approve similar but not identical bills?

House Bill would be sent to the Senate for review, Senate bill would be sent to the House for review. It would require one of the Houses to approve the other's bill for it to be sent to the president for signature. One of the houses may wish to make changes to the other's bill. If that happens, then the bill will have to go back to its respective house for approval of the change or changes.

What is the correct order for a bill to become?

Bill preparation. The House Member (or the Congressman/woman) prepares and drafts the bill.

What is the order for bill to become a law?

Bill preparation. The House Member (or the Congressman/woman) prepares and drafts the bill.