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Q: In the event that the senate must choose a vice president it would take how many votes for a candidate to win?
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Who chooses the vice president if the electoral college does not have a majority?

If no candidate for vice-president gets a majority of electoral votes, the Senate elects the vice-president from the among the two highest in list of people getting votes from the electors. One would expect that they would chose the running mate of the new president, but they are not required to do so.

Who would elect the new president if it was a tie?

In the event of a tie vote in the electoral college (or if no candidate gets a majority), the House of Representatives chooses the president from the top three candidates in a special mode of election in which each state's delegation gets one vote.

What position does the vice president hold in the US senate?

The Vice President's role in the US Senate is to be the offical tie breaker if a tie on the floor shall occur. He is also referred to as the President of the Senate. Al Gore was the last vice president to break a tie on the Senate floor.(S.Menzel)luke dylan mayes

When would the House of Representatives choose a President from the top three votegetters in the Electoral College?

In the event that no candidate gets a majority of the electoral votes, the House elects a president from among the top three candidates in a election in which every state gets one vote. States with more than one representative to the House would have to caucus among themselves in order to decide how to cast their one vote. A majority of the states must agree in order to elect a candidate.

What are the two responsibilities given to the Vice President in the Constitution?

The Vice President takes over as President when the President dies or becomes unable to perform his duties under the Constitution. He is also President of the Senate and will be called upon to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

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Article 1 section 3 of the constitution states tha candidate for the office of vice president must be at least 35 years oldat the vice president of the us shall hold what position within the senate?

The vice president is also president of the senate. This means that he can vote in the senate, in the event of a tie. This is a rare occurrence, due to the supermajority rules that senate customs have developed.

What happens In the event of a tied vote in the Senate?

The President of the U.S Senate has the deciding vote. The president of the U.S Senate is the Vice President of the U.S

What is the purpose of a vice president in an election?

In the United States, the vice president becomes the president in the event that the current president dies, resigns or is incapacitated. The vice president of the United States, is also the President of the Senate.

What are the voting rights of the president of the senate?

In the event that a Senate vote ends up in a tie, the President of the Senate (the Vice President of the U. S.) casts the deciding vote.

Who chooses the president of the us in the event of a tie?

The Senate

What is the work of vice president?

President of the Senate and to be ready to serve as president in the event that the president becomes incapacitated or dies.

Why would the president of senate vote on a bill?

He is the VP and not a voting member of the Senate, but he can vote in the event of a tie.

What happens in the event of the death of the President VP and Speaker of the house?

The President pro tempore of the Senate becomes the President. He/she is the leader of the Senate when the vice president can not attend. If him/her dies also then the Secretary of State becomes President.

Who choose the president in the event of a tie?

the house of representative

When The Vice-President is president of the Senate but only votes?

The Vice-President serves as the President of the Senate in the United States, but they only have the power to cast a vote in the event of a tie. Otherwise, they do not have the authority to participate in debates or discussions unless invited to do so by the senators.

Basic explanation for the 12th amendment?

The 12th Amendment describes how the electoral college votes for the the President and Vice-President, and how the Senate has the actual final say on who will be the next President and Vice-President. Essentially, following the election, the electors for each state, who are generally bound to vote for the candidate who received the most votes in their state, cast their votes and send the results to the current President of the Senate. The President of the Senate (who is also the current Vice-President), then reads the results out to the entire Senate, and the electoral votes are tallied. Thus are the results of the election confirmed. The Amendment also provides that, in the event of a tie between two or more candidates, the names of the top three are to be sent to the House of Representatives, where each state's delegation can cast one vote for the candidate of their choice. In this event, two-thirds of the states (67) must be present, and a majority (51) states must cast their votes for the same candidate.

Who chooses the vice presidents if none of the candidates receives a majority?

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the U.S. House of Representatives will select the president, with each of the fifty state delegations casting one vote, and the U.S. Senate will select the vice-president.