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Q: In what year was the delcaration of independence signed?
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What year was the delcaration of independence signed?

July 4,1776

What is the Delcaration of Independence?

It is the delcaration of the 13 Colonies of the United States of America's independence from Motherland, England and the British Rule.

Did George Washington sign Delcaration of Independenc?

No. Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence including 7 from Virginia, but Washington was not one of them.

Who is the he in the delcaration of independence?

king george III

What document did Thomas Jefferson write?

delcaration of independence

Who was the last person to sing the declaration of independence?

When the hell did someone sing the Delcaration of Independence?

What were the first 7 words of the delcaration of independence?

we the people of the united states.................

What was the purpose of delcaration of independence?

To free the United States from British rule.

What does the word unalienable means in the delcaration of independence?

Unconditional or Unable to remove. Obligatory.

Who wrote the delcerlation of independce?

thommas Jefferson wrothe the delcaration of independence

The Declaration of Independence was signed in which year-?

The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia on July 2, 1776.

In what year was the daclaration of independence signed?

In 1776