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U. S. Senate

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Q: In which body of congress are members elected every two years?
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When is Barney Frank up for reelection?

"Members of congress are re-elected every two years." He was re-elected for about the 15th time in 2008.

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650 members of the house of commons are elected every .....years.

Whose terms are longer House members or Senate members?

A member of congress is elected for two years; a senator is elected for six years.

How many years elected the members of rajya sabha?

Rajya sabha members are elected for 6 years. Every two years, one third members get elected.

Who elects congress members?

Members of the U. S. Congress are publicly elected by the registered voters of the areas they represent. Every Senator and seven members of the House of Representatives each represents a whole state. Every other voting member of the House represents a district within a state. U. S. House members have been publicly elected since 1789. U. S. Senators have been publicly elected since 1913.

Every how many years are the members of the house of representatives elected?

every 2 years

How aften are members of the senate elected?

Every 6 years.

How is congress reappointed?

Congress works on a cycle, the house of representatives are elected every two years, and the senate every six years on a two year cycle, creating a third of the house elected each year.

How often Members of the House of Representatives are elected?

Every two years.

How often are House members elected?

Congressional election are held every two years, in November of even numbered years.

What is frequency of congress elections?

The frequency of Congress elections in the United States is every two years. Members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years, while Senators serve six-year terms but elections for Senate seats are staggered so that one-third of the Senate is up for election every two years.

Why are house members closer to people than senators?

House memebers are re-elected every two years rather than senators, who are elected every six years.