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in which state did only one delegate sign the constitution

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Q: In which state did only one delegate sign?
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What is an unpledged delegate?

An unpledged delegate refers to the unpledged status of a delegates ballot, the delegate being selected or elected by the state party of each party to attend the national convention of that party. A delegate is unpledged when State law governing the selection or election of delegates permits a delegate to cast their ballot at the national convention for any candidate (not the just the one who won a district or the entire state) in their party. State election laws of the several states (and they vary) may allow a delegate to be "unpledged" if: 1) The candidate that won the delegate in question has withdrawn from the election after the primary in that state was over. 2) No candidate at the national convention is able to obtain the required majority to confirm nomination on the 1st or 2nd round of balloting. 3) State laws, state party rules, and national convention rules vary on how many rounds of balloting must take place and what percentages constitute a non-majority before a delegate is "unpledged" and can vote for another candidate. Check with your state's election laws, and your parties state and national convention rules as it applies to delgates to determine if you are legally pledged or unpledged delegate.

How many votes did each state have during the constitutional convention?

One vote, no matter the delegates. If a state was divided, its vote didn't count. If there weren't two or more delegates in attendance, the remaining delegate's state didn't have a vote (the only example of this was New York).

Why did only 35 people sign the constitution not all the 55 deligates?

It should be noted that only 39 delegates signed the Constitution. There is one additional signature, that of William Jackson - he was the secretary of the convention and not a delegate. Of the 55 delegates, all of them identified themselves at some point in their lives as Christians or, at the very least, Deists. The vast majority were Protestant, most being Episcopalian, with Presbyterian also making up considerable number. Only two were Roman Catholic.

What is an at-large delegate?

An at-large delegate is a delegate chosen by the official state committee members. Unlike a congressional caucus delegate, where a delegate is chosen by their own district in which they reside, an at-large delegate is chosen to represent their entire state based on popular vote. For example, in Kansas, there were 7 seats available, based on the original Feb. 5 caucuses, Obama was entitled to five at-large delegates and Clinton earned two of the total seven state wide. In Kansas, one of the at-large delegates is a state Rep., one an attorney that headed up Obama's campaign office in Lawrence during the caucuses, one, a lady that worked for our Gov. for nine years, one myself, I work to help get our state officials elected to every office, volunteer much time to the party and the Women's Federation, I am a reporter and a city planning and zoning board member. I honestly do not remember who the fifth person was for Obama, after hearing my name read after the votes were tallied, I was so overwhelmed that everything else seemed a blur at the time! I can tell you that at-large delegates normally are vetted at some level by the presidential candidate, in my case, I received a letter of endorsement from Sen. Obama prior to being elected at state convention. I do know that out of 109 people trying to be elected as an at-large delegates for Obama, five of those people did receive a letter of endorsement from the candidate.

Who was the statesman to first sign the Declaration of independance?

John Hancock was the only one to sign on July 4, 1776.

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Why did John Blair sign the Constitution?

John Blair signed the Constitution of the United States because he was a delegate from the state Virginia. He was one of the 39 who signed the Constitution in the first week after its passing.

How did delegates vote on the constitutional convention?

Voting on all issues was by state with each state delegation having one vote. Votes within each delegation was by majority vote of the delegation. Motions were made by any individual delegate but required a second by another delegate from any other state delegation other than that of the originating delegate.

What is an unpledged delegate?

An unpledged delegate refers to the unpledged status of a delegates ballot, the delegate being selected or elected by the state party of each party to attend the national convention of that party. A delegate is unpledged when State law governing the selection or election of delegates permits a delegate to cast their ballot at the national convention for any candidate (not the just the one who won a district or the entire state) in their party. State election laws of the several states (and they vary) may allow a delegate to be "unpledged" if: 1) The candidate that won the delegate in question has withdrawn from the election after the primary in that state was over. 2) No candidate at the national convention is able to obtain the required majority to confirm nomination on the 1st or 2nd round of balloting. 3) State laws, state party rules, and national convention rules vary on how many rounds of balloting must take place and what percentages constitute a non-majority before a delegate is "unpledged" and can vote for another candidate. Check with your state's election laws, and your parties state and national convention rules as it applies to delgates to determine if you are legally pledged or unpledged delegate.

How many votes did each state have during the constitutional convention?

One vote, no matter the delegates. If a state was divided, its vote didn't count. If there weren't two or more delegates in attendance, the remaining delegate's state didn't have a vote (the only example of this was New York).

Do both parties have to sign the divorce papers in the state of Louisiana?

In any state, only one spouse needs to sign the divorce papers and the other needs to be served legally per local laws.

What state was the 27Th one to sign the constitution?

There wasn't 27 states in 1787 only 13 so there was no 27 signing it.

Why did only 35 people sign the constitution not all the 55 deligates?

It should be noted that only 39 delegates signed the Constitution. There is one additional signature, that of William Jackson - he was the secretary of the convention and not a delegate. Of the 55 delegates, all of them identified themselves at some point in their lives as Christians or, at the very least, Deists. The vast majority were Protestant, most being Episcopalian, with Presbyterian also making up considerable number. Only two were Roman Catholic.

What actors and actresses appeared in The One Suit Wonder - 2011?

The cast of The One Suit Wonder - 2011 includes: Gregory Atkin as The Wonder Aureilio Di Napoli as Delegate Les Kennedy as Delegate Nick Kernaghan as Delegate Tanya Klujin as Delegate Claude Mashari as Delegate Lizmah Nulph as Delegate Katherine Shearer as Madeline Kline

In the state of Texas if there are two names on a car title do both parties have to sign it in order to sell the car?

From what I've read (I have the same situation) if there is an "AND/OR" on the title, only one needs to sign. If there is no "and/or" both need to sign.

What actors and actresses appeared in The One Suit Wonder - 2010?

The cast of The One Suit Wonder - 2010 includes: Gregory Atkin as The Wonder Auerlio di Paoli as Delegate Rob Hopkins Les Kennedy as Delegate Nick Kernaghan as Delegate Tanya Klujin Claude Mashari as Delegate Lizmah Nulph as Delegate

What is an at-large delegate?

An at-large delegate is a delegate chosen by the official state committee members. Unlike a congressional caucus delegate, where a delegate is chosen by their own district in which they reside, an at-large delegate is chosen to represent their entire state based on popular vote. For example, in Kansas, there were 7 seats available, based on the original Feb. 5 caucuses, Obama was entitled to five at-large delegates and Clinton earned two of the total seven state wide. In Kansas, one of the at-large delegates is a state Rep., one an attorney that headed up Obama's campaign office in Lawrence during the caucuses, one, a lady that worked for our Gov. for nine years, one myself, I work to help get our state officials elected to every office, volunteer much time to the party and the Women's Federation, I am a reporter and a city planning and zoning board member. I honestly do not remember who the fifth person was for Obama, after hearing my name read after the votes were tallied, I was so overwhelmed that everything else seemed a blur at the time! I can tell you that at-large delegates normally are vetted at some level by the presidential candidate, in my case, I received a letter of endorsement from Sen. Obama prior to being elected at state convention. I do know that out of 109 people trying to be elected as an at-large delegates for Obama, five of those people did receive a letter of endorsement from the candidate.

In the New Jersey Plan how many votes would each state get?

When the United States Constitution was being drafted in 1787, the New Jersey Plan was an option proposed by William Paterson, a New Jersey delegate. The Plan called for only one house of Congress with each state to have one vote in Congress.