It's dominantly a Spanish name, but also a Portuguese and Cypriot name.
The last name of Gallardo is of Spanish origin. This name means gallant and is the last name of many famous Spanish bull fighters.
Huizar is a Spanish last name that is derived from Huici, to describe one from Huici. It was originally a Basque name.
The country where the last name Burton originated is England. This name is used as a last name as well as a first name and means from the fortified town.
'Son of Hernan' is the meaning of the surname Hernandez. The name originated in Spain. Some famous people with the last name Hernandez are the singer Peter Hernandez (stage name Bruno Mars), and baseball player, Willie Hernandez.
The name Garcia is Spanish in its origin. Garcia is a common last name used in America, Spain, France, and the Philippines.
The last name Garcia is Spanish in origin and means the bear. It is believed to be derived from the Basque word Hartz.
The last name Garcia is Spanish in origin and means the bear. It is believed to be derived from the Basque word Hartz.
The last name Garcia is of Spanish origin and is derived from the personal name Garcia, which means "young" or "young warrior." It is a common surname in Spain and Latin America.
Garcia is a Spanish name.
Garcia is an hispanic name, which came from Spain.
The last name Garcia comes from Spain. It is believed to come from the Basque word Hartz, which means "bear".
The surname Garcia has Spanish origins and can be traced back to the medieval period in Spain. It is derived from the given name "Garcia," which means "young" or "brave" in Old Spanish. The name has a long history and is one of the most common surnames in Spanish-speaking countries.
Not really; it originated from Spain and during the Age of Exploration, when Mexico was conquered and settled by Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, the last name Garcia was among those transferred to Mexico.