Ghirth is a separate caste, they want to step up in social hierarchy that's why they want to be called as Jatts. but they are different.
According to a legend, the Ghirths are so called because the Hindu god Shiva made them out of ghee (ghrita in Sanskrit). This etymology is reflective of the community's traditional occupation of animal husbandry and agriculture. However, some members of the community trace their ancestry to a sage called Ghrit Rishi, and claim connections to the legendary Kauravas mentioned in the Mahabharata. The community also claims descent from the Rajput Kshatriyas.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ghirths were the dominant low-caste cultivators and marginal landholders in the Himachal region. Since they were considered as a 'clean' (not untouchable) low caste, they were employed as domestic servants by the higher castes: their 'clean' status allowed them to perform tasks such as fetching water or cleaning cooking utensils, which the untouchable servants were not allowed to do. Nevertheless, the Rajput, who were the dominant landholding caste of the region, had imposed social restrictions on them. Around 1926, the Ghirths started a movement to achieve upward social mobility, and started opposing these restrictions. They refused menial work, creating difficulties for the higher castes that earlier employed them as servants.
Ghirths is another caste of Himachal Pradesh. They just want to appear higher and to do so they are trying to align themselves with Jatts but this information is not correct.
This is just a utopian fantasy of them :D
Guys we love you as humans, stay what you really are and you will get more respect.
Ghirth is a low caste. Some of them are doing Propaganda to lift themselves, which is not wrong but to mix up with another caste is totally a wrong doing.
By proclaiming themselves as Jatts, they are just showing their insecurities and losing respect in society.
They migrated from Haryana & Rajasthan, they are not Jatt, But Certainly have strong bodily strength and stamina(few scholar consider them as jatt due language and cultural similarity) they are largest contributor of indian army from HP, they have big role in making kangra a Bir bhumi.
Certainly economically they are not as strong as Jatt of Plain reason may be scarcity of land and climate. this also apply to brahmin and rajput who indulge in meat eating, Alcoholism and polyandry. Thus all caste of hills are socially and economically backward than their counterpart in plains.
Many scholars consider the Ghirth to be Jats This is supported by the fact that during the initial days of Sikhism and even well into the late 1800s, the eldest sons of many Ghirth families became Sikh warriors, a common practice among Jats. A large number of Ghirth currently serve in the defence forces.
Ghrit is a agricultural caste living in the Kangra valley of Himachal Pradesh. They are Honest, brave and hard working race. originally they were migrated from Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Many Jat websites and JATs historian of Rajasthan and Haryana associated them with JAT tribe and also reflecting the same on their website and it is true that Ghrit are JAT like Anjana and Ror, However, they are not directly associated with JAT, but in future they will certainly associated with them. However, some idiots of a so called caste (maximum of them are become Fake (Farzi) Rajputs from other caste) are misinforming that they are lower caste, so kindly visit to any place in Kangra and ask about ghrit, they are not a lower caste. This is a peace loving community but it does mean that they are weaks.
हिमाचल में जाट गोत्र: हिमाचल में जाट समुदाय में आने वाली कई गोत्र हैं। इनमें गिल, माहल, मान, बराड़, कौंडल, कोंडल, सयाल, रियार, कंग, रंधावा, संधू, सिद्दू, सहोता, भाटी, खैरे, बादल, चावला, कांगरी, नेरा, भक्कल, दयाल, काहलों, नंदा, बैंस, डढवाल, रियालच व बग्गा आदि हैं।
हिमाचल के जाटों का इतिहास: जहां तक जाटों के इतिहास का सवाल है, तो यह क्षत्रिय वर्ण के हैं। महाभारत काल में हिमाचल के जनपदों का जिक्र मिलता है। उस समय कुलूत (मौजूदा कुल्लू), और त्रिगर्त (अब कांगड़ा)) का जिक्र है। इसी तरह कुलिंडा का भी वर्णन है, यह क्षेत्र अब शिमला के पहाड़ी इलाके और सिरमौर के नाम से विख्यात हैं। चंबा-पठानकोट तक क्रमशः गब्दिका और औडुंबरा के नाम से जाने जाते थे। उक्त समुदाय के लोग मूल रूप से क्षत्रिय हैं। बाद में इन्हीं में से एक वर्ग अलग होकर जाट कहलाया। कद-काठी में बेहद आकर्षक-मजबूती इन्हें औरों से अलग बनाती है। महाराजा रणजीत सिंह की सुरक्षा गार्द का खास हिस्सा रहे जाट वीर हरि सिंह नलवा ने उनके राज्य की सीमा को अफगानिस्तान से लेकर बर्मा तक पहुंचाने में अहम रोल अदा किया। ब्रिटिश काल में इस वर्ग के लोगों ने दहेज और सती प्रथा का हर मंच से विरोध किया। बहरहाल हिमाचली जाट विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में देश-दुनिया में देवभूमि का नाम रोशन कर रहे हैं।
es they are jatts Ghirth Jat is a community found in Himachal Pradesh. Ghirth is a pahari word and Chang is a Punjabi word. Presently this community known by Choudhary peoples of Himachal Pradesh
Jat clans of Ghirth
There are several jat gotras in this community like Kondal, Kaundal, Bhati, Badiar, Chang, Rard, Nara, Kundhal, Sial Gil etc.
H.A. Rose[1] writes that Folk etymology derives Ghirth from ghi, because Shiv made them out of ghi. In Hoshiarpur Ghirths are called Bahti. In Hindustan they are called Kurmi. Chang is the Punjabi name, and Ghirth the Pahari word. For details see - A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II/G, Ghirth: p.288
Jats Of Himachal Pradesh
हिमाचल का जाट कबीला जिससे ज्यादातर लोग अनजान है घिरथ एक पहाड़ी शब्द है जिसका मतलब घृत यानि घी से है यह समाज मूल रूप से जाट है जो 700 पहले राजस्थान ,पंजाब से पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में आकर बस गए जेम्स लिप्पिन ल्याल पेज 640 पर लिखते है की पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में जाट लोगो को घिर्थ बोला जाता है जिसका कारन उनका अधिक मात्रा में घी का सेवन करना है इसलिए इनको घी अहारी यानि घिरथ] बोला जाता है | हिमाचल के चौधरी घिरथ कहे जाते है जबकि सम्पूर्ण भारत वर्ष में चौधरी जाटों का पर्यायवाची माना जाता है | घिरथ लोग भी अपनी उत्पत्ति भगवान शिव से मानते है क्यों की हिन्दुओ के पवित्र ग्रन्थ देव संहिता में जाटों की उत्पत्ति शिव से बताई गयी है अपने जाट (जट्ट ) भाइयो की तरह यह पहाड़ी जाट भी एक उत्तम कृषक और बहादुर सैनिक है | इन में औरतो को जाटों के सम्मान पूजनीय स्थान प्राप्त है इसलिए यह विधवाः होने पर जाटों की तरह करा देते है यानि पुनः विवाह कर देते है जोकि इनके जाट क्षत्रिय होने का प्रमाण है पंजाब में राजा महाराजा जाट (जट्ट) ही हुए है इन वीर जाटों ने मोहम्मद तुगलक के कराचील यानि नगरकोट के हमले को नाकाम किया हिमाचल में #चौधरी के 360 गोत्र है जो काँगड़ा ,ऊना और उस से लगते पंजाब के होशियारपुर में निवास करते है | इनके सम्पूर्ण गोत्र #जाट_समाज से मिलते है पूर्वी भाग में इनको बाहति पक्ष्चिम में चांग चाहंग बोलते है यह चाहंग शब्द मूल रूप से चाहड़ है जो जाटों का गोत्र है जिसको ब्रज क्षेत्र में चाहर तो पंजाब में चाहल बोलते है इनके 8 मुख्य -
1 कुण्डल /कोंडल - राजस्थान के टोंक और जयपुर जिलों के 28 से ज्यादा गामो में है 1881 में हिमाचल में इनकी जनसँख्या 24,392 थी
२.भादू /भरद्वाज -जिसके गाम सम्पूर्ण भारत में 100 से ज्यादा है इनकी 1881 में आबादी 8330 थी
३. पाथरी - इस गोत्र क जाट मध्यप्रदेश और राजस्थान में है हिमाचल में इनके 3091 आबादी थी
4 .छाबरु /छाबा - इस गोत्र के 60 गाम राजस्थान में है 1881 में हिमाचल में इनकी 2717 आबादी थी
रेडू - यह गोत्र हरयाणा और पंजाब में बहुत मिलता है हिमाचल में यह 1881 में 2532 थे ,
बढियाल यह गोत्र बैदवान बडियार भी बोला जाता है जिसके ७० गाम है इनकी 1881 में 2058 आबादी थी
7 छोड़ा - इनकी 1881 में 1695 आबादी थी
8 बट्टू /भट्टू यह गोत्र पंजाब के जट्ट लोगो में और हरयाणा के जट्ट लोगो में बहुत संख्या में है इनकी 1881 में 1122 आबादी थी
जाटों (जट्टों ) और हिमाचल के चौधरीओ के समान गोत्र की कुछ सूची नीचे दी गयी है सोहल। सियाल , गिद्दड़ ,धारवाल ,धारीवाल ,काला ,नीला, भूरा ,घोरा ,गिल ,ताखर ,राठी ,नौल ,मसन्द ,,कुण्डल भरद्वाज ,बढियाल ,रेडू ,छाबरू ,खांगड़ ,हरि,खेरा ,कासाब ,बंगु ,खट्टा ,डेलू ,पणयारीअ ,पूनिया ,थिम्बू ,बैंस , मलिक आदि लगभग 100% गोत्र पंजाबी और हरियाणवी जाटो के है
No, Ghirths are a lower caste. This is a misinformation
No, ghirths is a separate caste. They are small in physique and have a completey different social status.
Ghirths are not Jatts. This is just a white lie. I live in Dharamshala, I'm a Jatt and I will appreciate if you please stop spreading misinformation. You are just loosing your respect with these ridiculous lies
The Ghirth jaat also known as Bahti/Changh in Punjab are a Hindu agricultural caste found in the state of Himachal Pardesh in North India. They are also known as the Chaudhary.
No this not caste basically it is tribe, Ghrit is a separate tribe and does not fall under Hindu Varna systems. However, if you ask from cunning and mughal slave rajput and brahman misinformed by saying that Ghrit are lower caste.
Ghirths are not Jatts. This is just a white lie. I live in Dharamshala, I'm a Jatt and I will appreciate if you please stop spreading misinformation. You are just loosing your respect with these ridiculous lies
Ghirths are lower body call them Jatts. They are backward people lives in rural areas of Hiimachal
The Ghirth jaat also known as Bahti/Changh in Punjab are a Hindu agricultural caste found in the state of Himachal Pardesh in North India. They are also known as the Chaudhary.
Caste distinctions can vary by region and community in India. The term "ghirth" does not appear to be a common term for a specific caste. It is important to avoid making assumptions about someone's caste based on their name or surname.
Naa...they are a lower caste
Yuvraj is a half Jat who is born to a Jat Father and non Jat Mother
There are about 1,50,000 Jats in Himachal Pradesh, they are mainly Hindu Jats. They are about 1% (approx) of the total population of the state. Recently Jats in Himachal Pradesh got OBC status with the efforts of Mr. Harnam Singh Gill, State president of Himachal Jat Kalyan Parishad. He can be contacted at 01892-232283 for more information. Mostly Jats are in army or migrated to others states for work. Jats are not politically active. There is only one MLA but minister in Himachal Pradesh cabinet from Jats. Jats in Himachal Pradesh are economically poorer than Jats in other states. They speak bholi- pharhi. Mainly Hindu jats are known by Chaudhary and Ghirth people. Regarding gotra generly Himachal Pradesh Jats are same gotra like in Punjab & Haryana few of them are- Kundhal, Gill, Kaundal/Kondal, Syal, Riar, Chang, Kang, Randhawa, Sandhu, Sidhu, Sahota, Bhatti, Khaire, Badal, Chawala, Kangri, Nara, Bhakal, Dhayal, Kahalon, Nanda, Rasen, Bains, Dadwal, Rilach, Bagga etc.
Jat Tehnika's population is 2,012.
The population of Yanuh-Jat is 5,300.
Nainana Jat's population is 9,650.
Yamla Jat was created in 1940.
The population of Nangloi Jat is 150,371.