no, in fact she is the 25th woman. the first was in 1872, her name was Victoria Woodhull.
Because Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton down and in the primaries for the democratic nomination for president.
Hilary Clinton was the woman running in the most recent election but she dropped out and Barak Obama won who is the first black president ever.
You would call her by president Clinton.She is the first woman president so she will be very famous if she wins the election.So far she is very famous too.
Depends which country you are referring to.The first ever female president in the world was Isabel Peron, President of Argentina.USA - NoneUK - Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister)Sri Lanka - Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Prime Minister)Argentina - Isabel Peron (President)Dominica - Dame Eugenia Charles (Prime Minister)Phillipines - Corazon Aquino (President)Pakistan - Benazir Bhutto (Prime Minister)Republic Of Ireland - Mary Robinson (President)New Zealand - Jenny Shipley (Prime Minister)These are only a handful of dozens of first female leaders.
No, it does not. It is possible for a woman to be elected, it just hasn't happened yet. Last year Hillary Clinton was running for the Democratic candidate spot but lost to eventual and current president Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated president by a major party.
sara palinI think Hillary Clinton but I'm not sure
No, Hillary Clinton is not a man. She is a woman who served as the Secretary of State of the United States from 2009 to 2013 and was the Democratic Party's nominee for President in 2016.
Hillary Clinton is a woman and married to ex-President Bill Clinton. I am not sure what a game-changer is. I have given her two main unusual features.
Hillary Clinton is known for being First Lady of the United States, Senator of New York Secretary of State, and Presidential candidate. She is also the mother of Chelsea Clinton and wife of Bill Clinton.
Because Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton down and in the primaries for the democratic nomination for president.
No woman has ever ran for president on either the democratic or republican tickets. So if Hillary Clinton wins in the primary elections then she would become the firsrt woman to run for president on the democratic ticket. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for vice-president on a major party ticket.
Hillary Clinton is a strong woman that faces her critics with poise and she had a genuine passion to serve the nation.
Bill clinton ;)
I don't really like Hilary Clinton....but i do know how she changed the world....she was the first woman who ran for president....not only did she do that...but she was also the first woman who made it that far....
Hillary Clinton
In my opinion, 270 electoral votes are needed to become president. Hillary Clinton will become the 45th President and the first woman President with an electoral vote count between 325 & 375. - *89.7% chance of Clinton winning