Breyer was born to Irving Gerald Breyer and Anne A. Roberts.
Stephen G. Breyer is affiliated with the Democratic party. Stephen Breyer is an associate justice of the Supreme Court. He has been a justice since 1994.
Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor). Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.
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Stephen G. Breyer is Jewish.
Justice Breyer was appointed to the US Supreme Court by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1994, and consistently votes with the progressive bloc of justices.
Is Stephen Breyer still with the supreme court justice
Breyer was born to Irving Gerald Breyer and Anne A. Roberts.
The current conservative justices, from approximately most conservative to most moderate are: Justice Clarence Thomas Justice Samuel Alito Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr. Justice Anthony Kennedy
Stephen G. Breyer is affiliated with the Democratic party. Stephen Breyer is an associate justice of the Supreme Court. He has been a justice since 1994.
Supreme court members are classified not by party (officially they must be politically neutral) but the may be classified by their judicial leanings:John Robert (Conservative)Antonin Scalia (Conservative)Clarence Thomas (Conservative)Samuel Alito (Conservative)Anthony Kennedy (Moderate)Ruth Baden Ginsberg (Liberal)Stephen Breyer (Liberal)Sonia Sotomayor (Liberal)John Stevens (Liberal)
Benjamin disraeli
Stephen Breyer was born August 15, 1938, as of January 1, 2011 he is 73 years old.
Stephen Gerald Breyer
No, Stephen Harper is currently the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. He used to be a part of the Young Liberals in his youth.