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It doesn't matter if it is a group or individual concerning history. ALL need to understand history so we don't keep making the same mistakes.

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Q: Is history more important for individuals than it is for groups?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Why were the reforms important and how did they change the US?

You need to get more specific in your question - there have been lots of reforms all through the history of the US.

Is Interest groups more likely to believe in a smaller government and take more conservative stances on social issues?

iterest groups

What is historical agency?

Historical agency is the ability of an entity to impact the development of the events of history. This agency is not inherent in all historical characters, and at the same time is not limited to humans; associations, organisations, ideas, fictional characters and even the tides can identified as agents of history. What is more the focus of the issue is the lack of agency attributed to groups, usually those dominated groups (subalterns). Such issues are often highlighted by post-colonial theorists and historians take on this challenge to reconstruct the agency of these groups who have previously been over looked to better understand the course of history and what made it. Groups are often overlooked in terms of agency due to unacknowledged assumptions in historiography. this includes such notions as racism, class bias, nationalism or anything else that assumes one group was either homogeneous or was a tool used to impact history on the initiative of another, usually elite, group.

What is more important beauty or talent?

beauty is more important

What is the difference between US History and American Government?

U.S. history is just that... history. You learn about U.S. history in U.s. history. American gov. is more about learning about the American legal and political systems. There should be some history in that class but it's more politics-oriented.

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Are decisions of groups more effective than those of individuals?

There are some decisions that are more effective if made by a group. Other decisions are more effective if made by individuals.

Why is there such thing as discrimination?

Discrimination exists due to deep-seated prejudices, stereotypes, ignorance, power dynamics, and fear of the unknown. It often stems from a lack of understanding or empathy towards those perceived as different, leading to unfair treatment or judgment based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Education, awareness, and promoting equality are essential in combating discrimination and fostering a more inclusive society.

Why sources of more important for study of history?

because history is more important in our life history it give more information about historical place & kings and kingdom

What is more important in history-events persons or dates?

anything is important in history events

Are Europeans or Americans more racist?

Racism exists in both Europe and America, and it is not accurate to generalize one region as more racist than the other. It is important to address and combat racism wherever it exists, regardless of location.

What groups are more important to college students and why?

In Colleges

Why do you tend to stereotype groups to which you do not belong instead of groups you do belong?

We usually stereotype groups to which we do not belong to. For example the poor usually stereotype the rich and the rich usually stereotype the poor. We tend to stereotype groups to which we do not belong instead of groups we do belong to because the more individuals in a group we know personally, the more difficult it is to believe a stereotype about them. We usually stereotype groups to which we do not belong to. For example the poor usually stereotype the rich and the rich usually stereotype the poor. We tend to stereotype groups to which we do not belong instead of groups we do belong to because the more individuals in a group we know personally, the more difficult it is to believe a stereotype about them.

What group in society is more likely to get a stroke?

Individuals who are older, have a family history of stroke, have high blood pressure, have diabetes, have high cholesterol, smoke, lead a sedentary lifestyle, or have a history of cardiovascular disease are more likely to experience a stroke. Additionally, certain ethnic groups such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans may have a higher risk of stroke.

What are the policy documents sent by the Pope to his bishops called?

A Motu Proprio is a document issued by a pope and sent to bishops or other groups or individuals. Papal Bulls are also used in a similar manner but for much more important and solemn occasions.

What are the policy document sent by the Pope to his bishops called?

A Motu Proprio is a document issued by a pope and sent to bishops or other groups or individuals. Papal Bulls are also used in a similar manner but for much more important and solemn occasions.

Who was the most important member of the Anishinaabek community?

There isn't one single most important member of the Anishinaabek community as they value collective contributions and leadership. Anishinaabek societies are often structured around groups who make decisions collectively, with individuals holding specific roles in governance, hunting, gathering, storytelling, and more.

What groups in the current society are targeted most for prejudice?

Some of the groups targeted most for prejudice in current society include racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, people with disabilities, and religious minorities. These groups often face discrimination, stereotyping, and systemic barriers that can impact their daily lives and opportunities. It is important to address and challenge prejudice to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.