At the Klan rally where I met him he was very nice. At my college graduation he was not so great, but it was pretty late and he forgot his topic during speech and talked too long about weight loss so it was a bad day for him.
In terms of politics, Mike Huckabee is affiliated with the Republican Party. In religious terms, he is a Christian and a Southern Baptist. He was born in Hope, Arkansas, and served as the state's governor from 1996 to 2007.
Mike Huckabee and Hilary Clinton were dropped in the 2008 election and McCain was left for the Republican Party while Obama was left for the Democratic Party; Obama eventually won the election.
Currently, the 2008 presidential candidates are: Democrats: * Joe Biden * Hillary Rodham Clinton * Chris Dodd * John Edwards * Mike Gravel * Dennis Kucinich * Barack Obama * Bill Richardson Republicans: * Rudy Giuliani * Mike Huckabee * Duncan Hunter * Alan Keyes * John McCain * Ron Paul * Mitt Romney * Tom Tancredo * Fred ThompsonObama voted for president last week Nov 04 2008
Depends on his class/status: Working class: Usually behaves like one of those street gang boys we see now-a-days. Always dirty, quite slim and you wouldn't expect much from them. Middle class: Stands straight, sits straight, well mannered, mild tempered, a nice ''family guy'', quite friendly. Upper class: Stands straight, sits straight, well mannered, mild tempered, a nice ''family guy'', friendly. They had to behave basically. I hope it helps.
Mike Huckabee's birth name is Michael Dale Huckabee.
Mike Huckabee is a Baptist (Christian Demomination).
Michael Dale "Mike" Huckabee
Mike Huckabee mailing address
Mike Huckabee Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee is a Southern Baptist.
Mike Huckabee was born on August 24, 1955.
Mike Huckabee was born on August 24, 1955.
Mike Huckabee does NOT support restoring the draft.
== == Mike Huckabee has 3 children: John Mark, David and Sarah.
Mike Huckabee.