While the federal government is in charge of some services, the state governments have many powers related to day-to-day life in the states.
( Government 5.4.2 Test) The supremacy clause of the Constitution ensures that it overrules state constitutions laws that address the same matters.
Police power can be determined by the laws in this order: federal, state, and local. However, while people may think it may overrule personal rights to privacy, it truly doesn't. One must understand all of the laws of the city they are located in or the situation they believe they were wronged by.
The word 'governor' is a noun, a word for someone who governs, a word for a person.
it ensures that the u.s. constitution overrules each state constitution
overrules, or maybe nothing overrules.
FMLA is federal law and overrules Illinois standard law.
a president simply rejects it officially or the congress overrules it by a majority vote
Not enough information contained in question.. Plaintiffs motion for WHAT? Motion for relief of WHAT?
It means when the lawyers object to what the lawyers on the opposite side are saying, and the judge doesn't agree to the objection, then he overrules it.
she is very fond of Odysseus, but she was an virgin, so she does not particularly love any of them, reason overrules every time. (to her)
Sustained correct answer is overrules :) hunteriscool34@yahoo.com
The number of the members in the senate is 9. So that if they have to vote, it will always be 5 to 4. Not 5 to 5. So that one party overrules. :] Hope that helped.
The Constitution is considered to be the Supreme Law of the land. This is because the US Constitution overrules all other laws at all levels throughout the country.
The meaning of REVERSING something is obvious. However, the word OVERRULE can have several legal meanings: (i.e.: If, upon hearing a cse, an appeals "overrules" a decision of the lower court, it does mean the same as REVERSING it). However, "overrule" can also be used in the context of a judges decision to overrule an attorney's objection or motion (for example) in this case "overrule" does not mean the same as REVERSE.