Yes. However, not every gay person identifies as queer. If in doubt, ask the person what term they prefer.
Principled athletics Politically Correct Terms Database | Political Correctness | Politically
He's correct.
Visually impaired.
It is a more politically correct way to say handicapped.
Unauthorized copying of written materials
There is no E on the end of 'queer'. Otherwise you are correct.
"Gay" emerged as a politically correct word for "homosexual" in the early 1960's. By the 70's, the politically correct term became "Gay and Lesbian". By the 90's, the politically correct term was Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning -- "LGBTQ". A number of younger gays and lesbians began to refer to themselves as "Queer", but for the most part this word is still unacceptable outside of our community. I suggest you pick up a gay newspaper or magazine in your area to see what's acceptable local usage.
Arab is a politically correct term.
No such thing as politically correct lemonade.
No, because there's no verb. You might say "The neck is a tad bit queer," however.
Principled athletics Politically Correct Terms Database | Political Correctness | Politically
He's correct.
Politically correct
yes, you