Principled athletics Politically Correct Terms Database | Political Correctness | Politically
He's correct.
Visually impaired.
It is a more politically correct way to say handicapped.
Yes. However, not every gay person identifies as queer. If in doubt, ask the person what term they prefer.
Arab is a politically correct term.
Principled athletics Politically Correct Terms Database | Political Correctness | Politically
How about "the chronologically challenged".
...being Politically Incorrect.
Hunter kills it; he cleans it! (hunter's language for "skinning" and "gutting"; the politically correct term for "gutting" is "field dressing"). The politically correct term for "killing" is HARVESTING.
It is politically correct to say that black people are african-american. And white people are just white.
The politically correct term for aging is "older adults" or "seniors." This terminology is preferred as it focuses on the stage of life rather than perceived limitations associated with aging.
Law enforcement officer