Seditious speech is the most hated type of speech. Yet the US Constitution does provide for the protection of seditious speech if it is not found to harmful or disruptive to the rights and freedoms of others.
The only businesses protected by the US Constitution are religion and free speech.
"He was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.""Seditious" means: "speech or behaviour directed against the peace of the state," or conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state."
The 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution enumerates five forms of protected speech. Among these are the right to petition, assemble and the press.
prescription drug advertising
Prescription drug advertising
Seditious speech is that which is anti-government and is treasonous. The Constitution protects free speech no matter the subject, unless the speech is meant to incite violence or overthrow of the government.
The only businesses protected by the US Constitution are religion and free speech.
The government
"He was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.""Seditious" means: "speech or behaviour directed against the peace of the state," or conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state."
Both oral and written.
talk of overthrowing the government
All speech is protected under the first amendment. However racial segregation or profiling is banned by the constitution.
Seditious speech
Speech that has an obvious and immediate danger of creating unrest or violence
Answer 1: Overthrow the government.