The number 56 suggests that you are thinking of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Thay are among the Founding Fathers but do not constitute the whole. Most copies of the Declaration include the names of the signers. Michael Montagne
Yes, there is a list (by state) of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence at They also have biographical information on many of the signers.
Multiple-choice questions only work when given the list of possible answers.
There were lots of people who can be called founding fathers. The best thing for you to do is look up the individual names in an encyclopedia or your textbook. Even a dictionary will have the more famous men like Washington and Jefferson. If for some reason you don't have access to any such books do Google searches for the names you have, I'm sure they will all be on the internet many times. Anyway, go look them up. Any writeup on them will tell you their states. Michael Montagne I agree with the person above. The founding fathers are from such a wide rage of places that its hard to name all of the places. If there's once specific place your looking for or a specific founding father you want to find from a certain area do a search on google for the name or otherwise just put in founding fathers from the state of Connecticut or something. I hope i helped. There are many founding fathers that contributed to making our country what it is today but the most recognized are eleven of them. The following is a list of those eleven and what states they came from: George Washington, James Madison, Edmund Randolph, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson (Virginia); John Adams (Massachusetts); Benjamin Franklin and James Wilson (Pennsylvania); Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris(New York); and Roger Sherman (Connecticut).
The Founding Fathers were a group of well-educated men who led America in the early stages of her history. These men risked their lives for the freedom of Americans. This began with achieving independence of the thirteen colonies from England, and continued with the formation of a government for the new nation once the Revolutionary War had been won.As for specific people, the 7 Founding Fathers included: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Alexandra Hamilton, John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin.If one considers any of the people who participated in the forming of this Republic or of evicting the King to be "Founding Fathers," then naturally the Framers of the Constitution are a subset of the Founders, since they gave us the format and structure for the Republic. Of course, the number who might be deemed Founding Fathers would be larger than the list of Framers, a case in point being Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who were not present at the writing of the Constitution, but were surely Founding Fathers.Men that historians say were influential include:Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Thomas Paine, Roger Sherman, John Jay, James Wilson, and Governor Morris. It would be impossible to construct a list which would be accepted by all historians.George Washington , Thomas Jefferson , Nathan Hale , Benjamin Franklin , Samuel Adams , John Adams
You can find the list of all 774 LGAs here See Related links
The Founding Fathers made a list of the King's grievances.
They are Founding Fathers because they played an important part in the founding of the Unites States. However, they are not the only people considered Founding Fathers. There were a great many and any attempt to make a list would surely miss some.
You can't really because it is kind of a nebulous term. Certainly if you took all of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution you would have a pretty good start. Michael Montagne
some racecar driversnames are made up and some are not but unfortunitly i cant make a short list of names. sorry.): <3 xoxo
thomas edward bullock
The plural form of the noun father is fathers.The plural possessive form is fathers'.Example: How many fathers' names are on the list of volunteers?
Multiple-choice questions only work when given the list of possible answers.
See related link "Our Founding Fathers were not Christians" and scroll down to "Thomas Paine"Thomas Paine was a deist and not a Christian. He believed in God but not the Bible. Regarding the above Founding Fathers answer above ~ According to, Thomas Paine was not one of the Founding Fathers. (!)They have only this short list: George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, George Mason, Gouverneur Morris, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, Edmund Randolph. Wikipedia gives a far greater number of Founding Fathers and here is part of what wikipedia says (Thomas Paine is listed as a Founding Father at this site):The Founding Fathers of the United States were the political leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence or otherwise participated in the American Revolution as leaders of the Patriots, or who participated in drafting the U. S. constitution eleven years later. The Founders were opposed by the Loyalists who supported the British monarchy and opposed independence (though most Loyalists remained in the U.S. after 1783 and supported the new government). Some authors draw a distinction between the Founders, who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 or participated in the Revolution, and the Framers, who drafted the United States Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, in 1787. Warren G. Harding is credited with coining the phrase "Founding Fathers" in his keynote address to the 1916 Republican National Convention when he was still a Senator. See also & google: government archives constitution or founding fathers.
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them
There were lots of people who can be called founding fathers. The best thing for you to do is look up the individual names in an encyclopedia or your textbook. Even a dictionary will have the more famous men like Washington and Jefferson. If for some reason you don't have access to any such books do Google searches for the names you have, I'm sure they will all be on the internet many times. Anyway, go look them up. Any writeup on them will tell you their states. Michael Montagne I agree with the person above. The founding fathers are from such a wide rage of places that its hard to name all of the places. If there's once specific place your looking for or a specific founding father you want to find from a certain area do a search on google for the name or otherwise just put in founding fathers from the state of Connecticut or something. I hope i helped. There are many founding fathers that contributed to making our country what it is today but the most recognized are eleven of them. The following is a list of those eleven and what states they came from: George Washington, James Madison, Edmund Randolph, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson (Virginia); John Adams (Massachusetts); Benjamin Franklin and James Wilson (Pennsylvania); Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris(New York); and Roger Sherman (Connecticut).
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Pope believes in Jesus Christ, and His Church, which He founded, and continues to guide until the end of time. I sincerely doubt that high in his list of priorities are enlightenment principles endorsed by the founding Fathers of the United States millenia after Jesus walked the earth. The list of his priorites would be found in the Holy Bible, and the Church Fathers.
Zoologists or naturalists would be my answer. Individual names of actual persons would be a massive list. See related links (below) for your best resource for that.