Acuages John
Adams, James
Adams, Thomas
Adams, William
Aiken Jones
Albright, William
Aldridge, James
Aldridge, Nathan
Aldridge, Nicholas
Alexander, William
Alexander, Thomas
Allen, Joseph
Allen, Samuel
Almond, Edward
Allmond, James
Almond, Seamore
Allrid, William
Andriss, Adam
Andriss, Conrad
Armstrong, Isaac
Armstrong, James
Arnett, James F.
Arrington, Thomas
Ashley, Nathaniel
Ashley, Robert
Ashmore, Walter
Awtray, alex
Baile, John
Bailey, John
Baily, Thomas
Balice, Thomas
Bannistor, William
Brber, Richard
Barber, William
Barindine, James
Barindine, William Jr. & Sr.
Barker, James
Barker, Nicholas
Barker, Samuel
Barnes, Brincelay
Barnes, James
Barnes, John
Barritt, Benjamin
Barrets, Thomas
Barton, John
Barton, William
Baxter, John
Beaty, Thomas
Beck, Jeffrey
Beel, Thomas
Belhany, Thomas
Bell, John
Bellew, Abraham
Belvin, George
Belvin, Isaac
Bennett, John
Benton, William
Bery, John
Beten, William
Bignour, James
Billingsley, James
Binnum, James
Blewett, William
Bly, James
Boatman, Waterman
Boe, John
Boggan, Patrick Jr.
Boggs, Joseph
Boilston, Will
Bond, John
Bond, W.C.B.
Boothe, Charles
Boring, Joseph
Bosil, William
Bound, James
Bradley, Abram
Bradley, Lawrence
Brady, Ayen
Branson, Ely
Branson, Thomas
Brantley, James
Braswell, Benjamin
Braswell, Richard
Bray, Edward
Bray, Henry
Brewer, Nickless
Bricks, John
Brisley, Peter
Broadway, Robert
Brooks, Isaac
Brooks, Jacob W.
Brooks, James
Brooks, Jacob W.
Brooks, James
Brooks, John
Brown, Daniel
Brown, David
Brown, James
Brown, Robert
Brown, William
Brox, John
Brur, Noel
Brus, John
Bruton, Samuel
Bryan, John
Buchanan, Samuel
Bullen, John
Bumpass, John
Bunt, Benjamin
Burcham, Henry
Brucham, James
Burcham, John
Burcham, Joseph
Burgies, James
Burns, Darass
Burns, William
Burt, William
Burtson . John
Bush, Stephen
Buskin, Abraham
Butler, John
Butler, William
Busen, William
Calley, Patrick
Cane, William
Capin, John
Caps, William
Carpenter, Jobs
Carr, Joseph
Cartwright, John
Caterham, John
Caruthers, Robert
Ceinght, Peter
Chafen, Joseph
Chambers, Edward
Cheek, Randolph
Cheny, Francis
Christian, Christopher
Christian, Thomas
Christman, Jacob
Cilleadon, Job
Clanton, Benjamin
Clapp, Barney
Clap, George
Claps John
Clapp, Ludwig
Clark, Elijah
Clark. John
Clark, Joseph
Clark, Samuel
Clauton, Charles
Cochran, Benjamin W.
Cockerham, John
Code, Timothy
Colbon, James
Coleman, John
Coleman, William
Collins, Jacob
Collons, Josua
Conkwrite, Harklis
Copeland, James
Copeland, William Jr.
Copeland, William Sr.
Coplin, Nicklos
Coplin, Thomas
Corry, John
Gortner, George
Cortner, Peter
Covington, Benjamin
Cowen, John
Cox, David
Cox, Herman
Cox, Joseph
Cox, Solomon
Cos, Thomas
Cox, William
Craswell, John
Craswell, William
Craven, John
Craven, Joseph
Cravan, Peter
Cravan, Thomas
Creaton, Patrick
Creson, Abraham
Crofts, Solomon
Croswell, Gilbard
Croswell, John
Croswell, William
Crow, John
Crow, Mansfield
Culberson, Samuel
Culbison, Andrew
Davis, Enoch
Culpepper, Daniel
Culpepper, John
Culpepper, Thompson
Culpepper, William
Cure, Ezekel
Curey, John
Curtiss, Samuel
Dark, Samuel
Davis, Gabriel
Davis, James
Davis, John
Davis, Jonathan
Davis, Matthew
Davis, Robert
Davis, Thomas
Davis, William
Debury, Samuel
Delap, James
Delap, Robert
Denson, James
Denson, Shadrach
Deviney, Samuel
Digges, William
Dinkins, thomas
Dison, Charlie
Dixon, Simon
Dobbins, Jacob
Donner, Thomas
Dorset, Francis
Dowd, Dyer
Dowdy, Daniel
Dowas, Richard
Dinkins, William
Dray, Jacob
Drinkin, William
Duckworth, Jeremiah
Dumas, Benjamin
Dumas, David
Dunem, John
Dunn, Bartholomew
Dunn, John
Dunn, Simon Jr.
Dunn, William
Edwards, Meager
Edwards, Josua
Ellis, James
Emmerson, James
English, Joseph
English, Matthew
English, William
Erwin, John
Estress, George
Estress, William
Evans, Aaron
Evans, James
Falconbery, Andrew
Falconbery, Henry
Falconbery, Isaac Sr.
Falconbery, Isaac Jr.
Falconbery, John
Fall, Christen
Fannin, John
Fanning, Thomas Sr.
Fanning, Thomas Jr.
Fany, William
Few, Benjamin
Few, James
Few, William Sr.
Fields, Jeremiah
Fields, William
Fielding, William
Fike, John
Filker, Jacob
Firnier, Marton
Flack, Thomas
Flake, Samuel
Flemmin, John
Forbis, John
Fortenbury, Henry
Fortenbury, John
Foshea, Joseph
Fox, Thomas
Franklin, Leonard
French, Neal
French, Joseph
Fruite, John
Fudge, Jacob
Fuller, John
Fuller, Josua
Fuller, Thomas
Futrelle, Thomas
Fyke, Malachy
Gapen, John
Gardner, Parish
Garran, James
Gaylord, Samuel
Gearner, Thomas
George, Joseph
Gibson, James
Gibson, Silverster
Gibson, Walter
Gibson, William
Gideon, Gilbert Sr.
Gideon, Gilbert Jr.
Gilbert, Jonathan
Gilbert Joshua
Gillespie, Daniel
Gillespie, John
Gillmore, William
Gilmer, John
Ginil, Peter
Glase, Christian
Glase, George
Glase, Philip Jr.
Glase, Philip Sr.
Glase, Powel
Glover, Thomas
Goble, George
Gible, John (Goble?)
Goble, Nicholas
Goff, Solomon
Goldstone, Charles
Gordon, Frank
Gowers, Thomas
Gowers, Jonathan
Graham, James
Graves, John
Greaves, Thomas
Green, William
Greers, William
Griffin, Andrew
Griffin, James
Grigg, Jacob
Gring, Fagan
Gross, Solomon
Grubbs, Benjamin
Grubbs, John
Gugle, John
Hadley, James A.
Hadley, Jesse
Hadley, Joshua
Hadley, Simeon
Haley, Isam
Haley, Silas
Haley, William Sr.
Haley, William Jr.
Hamilton, Archibald
Hamilton, Hanson
Hamilton, Matthew
Hamilton, Ninian
Hamilton, Ninian Bell
Hamilton, Thomas
Hammer, Abraham
Harden, Stephen
Haridon, James
Harland, Aaron
Harland, Reuben
Harlow, Eron
Harmon, Zach
Harper, Abraham
Harper, Samuel
Harper, Thomas
Harris, Joseph
Harrison, Jesse
Harrison, Joseph
Hart, John
Hartzo, John
Hartso, Philip
Helms, Jonathan
Henderson, Argulus
Henderson, John
Helms, Tilmon
Henderson, William
Hendry, George
Hendrye, Thomas Jr.
Hendrye, Thomas Sr.
Henry, George
Henson, Charles
Henson, John
Henson, Joseph
Herndon, James
Henson, Joseph
Herndon, James
Henson, William
Herring, Delany
Herrman, Henry
Hickman, William
Hielerman, Nicholas
Higgins, James
Higgins, John
Higgins, William
Hill, Thomas
Hilton, Abraham
Hilton, John
Hindes, Joseph
Hines, Charles
Hinsinbru, Jason Iron
Hintrand, William
Hogins, Thadwick
Hogon, William Griffin
Holley, Julius
Honest, Michael
Hopper, Thomas
Hore, William
Horn, Jacob
Hornbeck, John
Howard, Nehemiah
Howe, John
Laws, Dan
Layn, Marveric
Leak, Richard
Leary, William
Leaton, William
Leveritt, John
Leveritt, William
Liles, James
Liles, John
Lille, Muicher
Lindley, Thomas
Linterman, Henry
Litten, Mincher
Llewellyn, Jonathan
Lloyd, Thomas
Lloyd, Iomond
Logan, Andrew
Long, John
Lord, Lewis
Lowe, James
Lowe, John
Lowe, Samuel
Lowery, James
Lowery, Lewis
Lowery, Robert
Lucas, William Jr.
Luin, John
McCaul, James
McCay, Daniel
McClewland, John
McCoy, Archibald
McCoy, John
McDaniel, Jacob
McIlvailly, John
Mackejh, James
McMeot, James
McNish, John
McPherson, Joseph
McPherson, Alexander
MacPherson, William
McQuinton, John
McSwaine, Patrick
Macvay, John
Maner, Richard
Marchbanks, George
Marfay, Roger
Marmane, Larence
Marsevaine, John
Marshall, Jacob
Marshall, John
Martin, Joseph
Martin, Zachariah
Mason, John
Mason, Ralph
Mason, Thomas Jr.
Mason, Thomas Sr.
Massett, William
Mateer, Robert
Mathew, Ned
Mathews, Anthony
Mathews, James
Mathews, John
Mathin, Anthony
Maudlin, Benjamin
Maudlin, John
Maudlin, Jonie
Meadow, Jason Jr.
Meadow, Jason Sr.
Melon, Thomas
Melton, Jeremiah
Mercer, Forester
Merns, Thomas
Merree, John II
Merrill, Benjamin
Messer, Captain
Miles, Charles
Miles, John Sr.
Miles, John Jr.
Miles, Thomas
Miller, Jero
Mills, John
Mims, John
Mims, Thomas
Mims, William
Mitchell, William
Moffitt, James
Mofitt, William
Montgomery, Captain
Moon, Thomas
Moore, Edward
Moore, Thomas
Moorman, Bennakia
Moorman, Thomas
Morgan, Goin C.
Morgan, John
Morgan, James
Morgan, Ruddy
Morgan, Solomon
Morris, Edward
Morris, John
Morris, Joseph
Morris, William Sr.
Morris, William Jr.
Morrow, William
Moses, Adam
Muchecenes, Larence
Mullen, Patrick
Murphy, John
Murphy, John
Murray, James
Nanit, George
Nation, Christopher
Needham, Thomas
Needham, William
Nelson, Dennis Sr.
Nelson, Dennis Jr.
Nelson, Thomas
Newberry, William
Noe, John
Norton, William
Odle, Nehemiah
Oliver, James
O'Neal, John
Owens, Stephen
Paine, William
Par, John
Park, Joseph
Parks, Samuel
Parsons, George
Paterson, John
Paygee, John
Payne, William
Pelyou, Abraham
Penton, John
Person, Thomas
Phelps, David
Phipps, John
Phipps, Joseph
Pickett, Edward
Piecock, Stephen
Pickral, Henry
Piles, John
Pilgrim, Amos
Pleourt, John
Polk, Thomas
Pooey, Francis
Pooey, Umfrey
Porter, James
Poston, Jonathan
Poston, J. Jr.
Powell, Nathaniel
Preslar, Thomas
Preslie, John
Prestwood, Augustine
Pryor, John
Pugh, Enoch
Pugh, James
Pugh, Jesse
Pugh, John
Pugh, Thomas
Raiford, Matthew Jr.
Raiford, Matthew Sr.
Raines, John
Ramsay, James
Ramsay, John
Ramsouer, Michael
Raney, William
Ranetalor, Thomas
Rankin, William
Ratcliff, Elisha R.
Ratcliff, Sam Jr.
Ratcliff, Samuel
Ray, Samuel
Rennolds, Peth
Richardson, Sam
Richardson, Joseph
Richerson, Peter
Riddle, thomas
Roberson, Thomas
Robertson, James
Robeson, William
Robins, James
Robinson, Charles
Robinson, Luke
Rogers, Hyram
Rogers, Jacob
Robinson, Tirey
Rogers, Josiah
Rogers, Sion
Rogers, William
Roles, Damsey
Rollins, Drury
Round, James
Routh, Joseph
Rudd, Burlingham
Ruine, David
Rushen, Mark
Ryle, John
Ryan, John
Sally, George A.
Sanders, David
Sanders, James
Sanders, Thomas E.
Sanders, William
Sanderson, Reuben
Sands, Richard
Sappenfield, Matthias
Sounders, Patrick
Saxon, Benjamin
Saxon, Charles
Schwenck, Matthew
Searcy, Reuben
Self, Job
Sellars, Thomas
Senderman, Henry
Shaw, Philip Jr.
Shaw, Philip Sr.
Shepherd, John
Shoemaker, Conrad
Shor, John
Short, Daniel
Short, James
Short, William
Sidden, William
Sidewell, John
Sike, Christian
Simmons, John
Sims, George
Sitton, Philip
Skin, Samuel
Skinner, John
Skipper, Barnabee
Skipper, George
Slaughter, Owen
Smith, Abner
Smith, Alexander
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Charles
Smith, Daniel
Smith, David
Smith, David
Smith, Edward
Smith, Francois
Smith, Henry
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Moses
Smith, Peter
Smith, Richard
Smith, Robert
Smith, Will
Smith, Zachariah
Snider, John
Sondhill, John S.
Soots, Jacob
Southerland, Raleigh
Soewll, Charles S.
Sowel, John
Sowell, Sam
Sowel, Lewis
Sowel, William
Spinks, William
Springfellow, William
Stewart, James
Stewart, John
Stinkberry, John
Stinton, Eron
Stokes, Henry
Stollie, Jacob
Strader, Henry
Stringer, John
Strongfellow, William
Stroud, Abraham
Suggs, John T.
Sutton, John
Sweany, James
Sweany, Joseph
Swearington, Van
Swearinger, Samuel
Swearinger, Thomas
Swearinger, Thomas
Swift, Thomas
Swing, Barnet
Swing, Lodwick
Swor, John Jr.
Swor, John Sr.
Swor, Jonathan Jr.
Tallant, Moses M.
Tallant, Thomas
Tapley, Hosea
Taylor, thomas
Teague, Abraham
Teague, Edward
Teague, Elijah
Teague, John
Teague, Joshua
Teague, Moses
Teague, William
Telfair, Jacob
Temply, Frederick
Thomas, John
Thomas, Samuel
Thomas, Zekial
Thompson, Elisha
Thompson, John
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Samuel
Thompson, William
Thorn, Robert
Thornsbury, Edward
Thornsbury, William
Thornton, Abraham
Thornton, Thomas
Thorton, David
Thredhill, William
Tomlinson, Turner
Tomson, William
Tonenberg, Samuel
Torrance, John
Touchberry, John
Tree, Thomas
Treneen, William
Trull, Thomas
Tukins, Timothy
Turner, Jonathan
Tynor, William
Upton, James
Ussery, Thomas
Ussery, Welcome
Ussery, William
Vernon, Amos
Vickory, John
Vickory, Marmaduke
Vonstraver, Peter
Wade, Henry
Wagner, Samuel
Wainscott, Isaac
Walker, John
Walker, Silvanus
Walker, William
Walkers, Robert
Walkinford, Charles
Wallas, Jesse
Waller, Thomas
Walsh, Walter
Ward, William Jr.
Ward, William Sr.
Warse, Hysom
Watson, Jacob
Watson, William Jr.
Watts, John
Watts, Malachi
Webb, Beaty
Webb, John
Webb, Joseph
Webb, Leonard
Webb, Richard
Webb, Robert
Webb, William
Wed, John
Welch, Henry
Welch, Walter
Wellborn, Thomas
Whit, Ulrich
White, Augustine
White, Charles
White, James
White, James
White, John
White, Joseph
White, William
Whitt, Jacob
Wilbourne, Thomas
Wilcox, John
Wilkerson, James Sr.
Wilkins, Alexander
Wilkins, John
Wilkins, Robert
Wilkins, William
Willet, James
Williams, Eshmael
Williams, James
William, John
Williams, John
Williams, Nehemiah
Williams, Samuel
Williams, Solomon
Williams, Theofilis
Wills, James
Wilson, George
Wilson, James
Wilson, John
Wilson, Thomas
Wineham, Richard
Winkler, John
Winter, Daniel
Wood, Nathaniel
Wood, Robert
Woodward, Reuben
Woody, Robert
Word, Thomas
Wren, Prusley
Wright, Philbert
Wright, Thomas
Wyley, Hugh
Yeamons, Stokey
York, Robinson
York, Seymour
Youngblood, John
Younger, James
The Top Five Cabinet members are Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior They are all paid the same $148,400 a year. They are appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate. All Together the Cabinet is made up of 14 members.
The president is black now, so if you say N*@#$& you will be traced, found, raped and tortured!
The four states are; California, Texas, New York and Florida
Some States hold Caucuses and some hold Primaries. A Caucus, as I understand it (from the British side of the herring pond) is a kind of internal Party talking shop, where party members discuss candidates then split into groups supporting each candidate until a point is reached where one candidate is by general consensus the favoured one. In a Primary, registered Party Members (and in some cases registered voters who are not members of any Party) vote by secret ballot on the list of candidates.
no, in concurrent list....
It's just a list of names of team members.
I'm not sure, but you can check the group's current members by contacting Ralph directly or by viewing the group's roster or membership list.
If you mean roster as in 'list of people or working schedule', that translates into 'lista de serviço'.
itenerary agenda
The active roster is the list of 47 players who are activated for game play. The full team roster included 53 man roster and the 6 man practice squad.
A list of the players with name and number.
No, if a player goes on the Restricted List then he does not count against the team's 25-man Major League roster.
A roster is a list of planned events or planned appearances. With respect to wrestling, a roster would refer to which people wrestled together on which night. It is, essentially, a lineup.
Click on the '2007 Patriots Roster' link below to see the players on the New England Patriots 2007 roster.
Click on the '1987 Steelers Roster' link below to see the roster of the 1987 Pittsburgh Steelers. All players listed that have a caret (^) next to their name were replacement players.
a list or plan showing turns of duty or leave in an organization