The year 1000 ended the first millennium. The Christian kingdom of Hungary was established in August of that years. At that time Hungary was much larger than it is today. Also, Leif Erickson was the first European to set foot in North America.
He wrote the poem in which that line appears (the Concord Hymn) in 1837. The event he was writing about happened in 1775.
World War II was one American event that happened in September of 1940. Also, the Great Depression was coming to an end during this month and time frame.
Van Gogh lived his whole life.
the world wide web the September eleventh attacks the break down of the soviet union
Question what were some vauluble world events in 1997 what were some important world events that happened in 1997
i was born :)
the world trade centers collapsed.
The twin tower fall down
World War One started.
Women's Right to Vote, World War II, and the end of segregation.
Gunpowder was invented in china around 800ad and leaked out at 1200 ad to europe
9/11 happened in 2002 the terrorists crashed 4 US. planes in to a tall building in new york there that sums that up.
Probably. Every year, various important events happen around the world. But the world will not come to an end, and more important events will occur in 2013.
The rise of India in the last decade to a major world financial power is extremely important. Much of this has come about through outsourcing.
World events are things taking place in the world, around the globe. It can also apply to such important occurrences that have happened in the past.
The grape harvest that makes some of the finest wine in the world.