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no trying is more important

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Q: Is winning more important than trying?
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Why it is said that participation is important than winning?

it said that participation is more important because on participating we learn something from it, experience it.

Is electron more important than the nucleus in an atom?

Both are important; which is MORE important depends on what you're trying to do. If you're looking for electricity, then the electrons are more important. If you're looking for something material, then the nucleus is more important.

Why trying ones best is more important than winning?

Because its you cant win ALL the time. What matters isnt winning, its that you tried your best and gave all your effort. Even though you dont win all the time doesnt mean you can perform bad. If you want to get better then theres a famous saying: " Practice makes better"

What is it called when a candidate wins more votes than others?

Winning a majority of the votes means winning more than 50% of the total votes cast. Winning a plurality of the votes means less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate.

Why is failing important?

Failing is important because we have to learn how to lose. We have to learn how to be graceful and kind to others, even when we aren't winning or doing better than they are. Failing is also important because it often teaches us what we're doing wrong, and helps us get some ideas of what to try next. The more we fail, the more we learn... and as long as we keep getting up and trying again, the more likely we are to eventually succeed.

What term is defined as winning an election by receiving the most votes?

Winning a majority of the votes means winning more than 50% of the total votes cast. Winning a plurality of the votes means less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate.

Why Achieving is more important than winning?

Acheiving and winning are actually similar and acheiving something is when you meet an expectation, or reach a goal. In my oppinion, the difference of winning and acheiving is in order to acheive something you must work for it and then reach your set goal or expectation that someone has for you or that you have for yourself, but winning only means to beat someone else. Winning involved competition between you and other people. You should only try to get better yourself instead of focusing on what other people are doing and trying to beat them. Instead, beat yourself.

What are the release dates for More Than Winning - 2013?

More Than Winning - 2013 was released on: USA: 10 April 2013 (Cleveland International Film Festival)

What do you think of allies decision to focus on winning the war rather than immediately trying to save the people in Nazi death camps?

Because they did not know what was going on in the camps, they thought it was more of a prison camp than a death camp

What is a winning season in the nfl?

a winning season is when a team has more wins than losses. For example a team with a 9-7 (or better) record has had a winning season.

What actors and actresses appeared in Hockey Is More Than Winning - 2012?

The cast of Hockey Is More Than Winning - 2012 includes: Assistant Coach as Timothy Gallant Eddie Doty as Head Coach

What is important when it comes to winning?

Shaking hands with the opponent. Congratulating yourself and your teammates. Being a graceful weiner.