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Nathanial Hale said that as his last words before being executed by the British for treason.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

That is from a quote by Nathan Hale. He was a spy for the United States. He was caught by England and hanged. His last words were, "I only regret that I have one life to lose for my country."

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Nathan Hale!

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Nathan Hale

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Q: It was reported that this man's last words before his death were I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country?
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What was Nathan hale known for saying?

he is famous for saying..."I only regret that I have but one life to give to my country."

Who said you only regret that you have but one life to give your country?

Nathan HaleP.S.Hope this helps.-very much so and Nathan Hale is the character from Resistence fall of man (ps3)Nathan Hale...originally before the people that made Resistance: Fall of Man.....was a American Rebel Spy during the American Revolutionary War who was hung by the British.He, before he was hung, said basically as his last words....."I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country".There are debates in which the quote is questioned to have been originally spoken to have said "lose" instead of "give" which is was written into a book that way.

How did Nathan hale become an American legend?

Before Nathan Hale became a spy, he was a school teacher. Once he joined the army and they were in need of a spy to figure out when the British would attack, Nathan Hale elected himself. Nathan Hale went to the British encampment and became a "School Teacher" for his disguise. One day as Nathan was in a local pub, a British officer noticed Nathan Hale and thought he looked very familiar. Nathan Hale had powder burns on his right cheek from a musket. A school teacher would not of had this. Due to Nathan hales burns on his face, and how uncommon it looked. They figured out that he was a spy. And hung him. When he was hung the last words he spoke were "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." and this is what Nathan Hale is most known for. -Written by a student from Ms.Rosas's class. 2010. Go APUSH!

President to serve most terms?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He served 3 full terms and part of a fourth before his death.

Characteristics of an MEDC?

An MEDC is a "more economically developed country." Characteristics of a country labelled this include successful trade agreements, wealth, purchase of raw materials to use in production, lower death rates, and generally lower birth rates.

Related questions

It was reported that this man's last words before his death were I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.?

Nathan Hale

What was Nathan hale known for saying?

he is famous for saying..."I only regret that I have but one life to give to my country."

When did Patrick Henry write you regret that you have but one life to give for your country?

Patrick Henry did not write those words. He yelled them loud and clear, and he spoke for himself. He said, I regret that I have but one life to give for my country. Give me liberty or give me death." A slight correction. Patrick Henry, in a speech before the Virginia Convention, concluded with the now justly famous quote, "As for me, give me liberty or give me death." The quote, "I regret I have but one life to give for my country" is a quote attributed to Nathan Hale. He volunteered as a spy during the War for Independence and was caught by the British, who condemned him to hanging. At his hanging, he was asked if he did not have some regrets that he wished to confess to the Lord or those around. He is said to have declared, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country." As a side note, some have recently misquoted this as " life to LOSE for my country." This was not what witnesses reported him saying.

Who said you only regret that you have but one life to give your country?

Nathan HaleP.S.Hope this helps.-very much so and Nathan Hale is the character from Resistence fall of man (ps3)Nathan Hale...originally before the people that made Resistance: Fall of Man.....was a American Rebel Spy during the American Revolutionary War who was hung by the British.He, before he was hung, said basically as his last words....."I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country".There are debates in which the quote is questioned to have been originally spoken to have said "lose" instead of "give" which is was written into a book that way.

Who was the young hero who just before being hung by the british as a spy?

Nathan Hale was hanged at the age of 21 by the British, as a spy during the Revolutionary War. He is famous for saying just before his death, "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country".

Whose famous last words before his death were I regret that I have but one life to give for my country?

Nathan Hale.

What was Nathan Hale's famous quote before he died?

During the American Revolutionary War, Nathan Hale was captured in New York and British General William Howe. He was a soldier for the Revolution. He was accused as being a spy by the British who captured him civilian cloths. so was treated as a spy. He was 24 years old and received no trial, denied his request for a pastor and a Bible. He was sentenced to hang. The paraphrase of Hale was" I regret I have but one life to give for my country". The complete quote Hale recited before he was hanged was this:How beautiful is death, when earned by virtue!Who would not be that youth? What pity is itThat we can die but once to serve our country.The words were from a popular play by the ancient Roman, Cato.

What speeches did Nathan Hale say?

He is famous for his courage and calm in the face of death and for his last words, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

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the death of his 16 year old son

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his wife

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Actually Sir Ralph was feeling guilty for his past deeds at that moment. There was a feeling of regret for misguiding the ships and looting them after cutting down the bell from the Inchcape Rock. This regret mixed with the thought of the dreadful death made him suffer from a horrific hallucination.

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