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spy on its citizens

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Q: Jefferson thought government should do all of these except?
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How did Hamilton and Jefferson view the common people?

Jefferson felt confident in the common people, felt that they had much power and could do alot with their minds. However, was that Jefferson or Hamilton? This is right about the way Jefferson felt. He believed the power should rest in the people through popular rule. However, Hamilton had opposite beliefs. He believed in a more monarchial government because he distrusted in the common people to make good decisions. Hamilton wanted a government that resembled Britain.

How were the Federalist different from the Republican in how they felt about a powerful central government?

The republicans thought they should follow the articles of confederation and have a weak central government The federalists thought there should be a strong central government

Supporters of the Constitution thoughtthat the central government should?

Supporters of the Constitution thought that the central government should

How were adams and jefferson different in manner and outlook?

Adams was a federalist that wanted a strong federal government, thought the country should be ruled by the elite, emphasized manufacutring, support Great Britain and believed in loose construction of the Constituion. Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican who wanted a limited national government that shared power with state and local governments, believed the country should be ruled by ordinary citizens, emphasized agriculture, supported France and believed in stricit interpretation of the Constitution.

How did Progressives plan to improve government?

Progressives believed that the government should have policies that protected workers. They also thought government should help the poor.

Related questions

Jefferson thought government should do all of these except for what?

spy on it's citizens

7 Jefferson thought government should do all of these except?

Spy on its citizens

What stance does Jefferson take on the role of state government?

Thomas Jefferson thought the national government should have a limited role, and that power should remain primarily with the states. Jefferson was the 3rd U.S. President.

Describe Thomas Jefferson’s view of the federal government and its responsibilities?

Thomas Jefferson believed in state rights. He thought that a large federal government threatened liberty and that vigilant states could best protect freedom. Thomas Jefferson also believed that people should not be restricted to a certain religion.

Why was the election of Thomas as vice president to john Adam a problem?

If you mean Thomas Jefferson he and Adams had been friends, but their view of government was different and Jefferson felt he should have been president instead of Adams. The election got really nasty with name calling, slander, and accusations. Adams was a strong believer in a strong central government while Jefferson felt that government should have a hands off role and defer to states rights. Jefferson also thought Adams abused the office with the Alien Sedition act.

How did Jefferson chart a new course for the government?

Jefferson thought his election as the " Revolution of 1800. " Jefferson's first goal as President was limit the federal government's power over states and citizens. The new President thought that under Washington and Adams the Federal government had become too involved in economic affairs. He believed the idea of laissez faire from French term for "Let alone. Laissez faire means that the government should not interfere in the economy.

Who thought that Americans should have celebrated independence day?

Thomas Jefferson was the person that thought it.

How does Jefferson believe government should treat its citizens?

How does Jefferson believe it should treat its citizens in the inaugural address

How does Jefferson believe the government should treat its citizens?

How does Jefferson believe it should treat its citizens in the inaugural address

Jefferson thought that was essential for the people to enjoy their rights in peace and security.?

Thomas Jefferson believed that it was crucial for the people to have and uphold their rights in order to live peacefully and securely. He emphasized the importance of individual freedom and protection from government interference. Jefferson believed that a government's primary role should be to protect and guarantee these rights for its citizens.

How did Hamilton and Jefferson view the common people?

Jefferson felt confident in the common people, felt that they had much power and could do alot with their minds. However, was that Jefferson or Hamilton? This is right about the way Jefferson felt. He believed the power should rest in the people through popular rule. However, Hamilton had opposite beliefs. He believed in a more monarchial government because he distrusted in the common people to make good decisions. Hamilton wanted a government that resembled Britain.

What would the Framers of the Constitution have disagreed with?

the framers of the constitution would have argued about who shyould have more power. (the people) or the government. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr are good examples of this. Aaron Burr thought the wealthy and succesfull should run the country. Thomas Jefferson disagreed. He thought that those who worked the land (the farmers) should run the country.