Burning their houses,ruining their businesses and hurting their families
George Clymer was a politician in the Colonies who advocated for a free America. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and a citizen of Pennsylvania Colony.
George Washington signed the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and your mothers reproductive organ (A.K.A Uterus)
The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.
King George
George Washington
It described preamble , state of rights , state of independence , charges against the king or king George the 3rd , and the signers of declaration
It described preamble , state of rights , state of independence , charges against the king or king George the 3rd , and the signers of declaration
George Clymer was a politician in the Colonies who advocated for a free America. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and a citizen of Pennsylvania Colony.
George Washington signed the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and your mothers reproductive organ (A.K.A Uterus)
George Clymer, from Pennsylvania, was 37 when he signed the Declaration of Independence.
James Madison George Washington Benjamin Franklin
The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.
Pennsylvania• George Clymer• Benjamin Franklin• Robert Morris• John Morton• Benjamin Rush• George Ross• James Smith• James Wilson• George TaylorPennsylvania had nine
george washington wrote the declaration of independence in us
the declaration of independence was signed on july 4 1774
Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison