Made laws.
A court made up on non-military judges is often called a tribunal. Federal judiciary courts are often called an apex.
Laws are made by the legislative branch of government. The executive branch executes the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws.
The Judicial branch's job is to make sure that the laws and actions taken by the government are constitutional(they don't go against the Constitution).
Generally, they're called laws. They are called by-laws in UK
A rule made by the government is called a low.
by a government
Australian laws are made by the government. National or local.
North Korea is an ultra-tightly controlled Communist Dictatorship. The government hierarchy makes whatever rules/laws they wish and enforces them by force of their military and police.
They take votes
Made laws.
Yes, the government did step it. It made laws to ban CFC's.
It was first made by the ArmaLite Corporation. When adopted by the military it was given a government designation of M16.
It made laws
has to pass the senate